Forum Replies Created
Jason Garrant wrote:
There are a limited number of connections you can make at one time.
Yes Davis I’m connecting and disconnecting to DB for each message.
Have a look to my script
proc Venus_Interface { args } {
global HciConnName
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
keylget args CONTEXT ctx
keylget args ARGS uargs
set rcList
- set debug “0” ; keylget uargs DEBUG debug
# The parameters needed to connect to the database
set dsnName “ICIS_Interface” ; keylget uargs DSNNAME dsnName
set dsnUser “venus” ; keylget uargs DSNUSER dsnUser
set dsnPass “venuS2OO9” ; keylget uargs DSNPASS dsnPass
# The parameters needed to stop the thread
set processName prod_receiver ; keylget uargs PROCESSNAME processName
set threadName bhandler ; keylget uargs THREADNAME threadName
# Module string for debugging purposes
set module “$HciConnName/[lindex [info level 0] 0]/$ctx”
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
if { $debug } {
echo “($module): Start using settings: $uargs”
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
# Initiate connection to the database
# Set an i variable to count the number of tries for connecting to DB
# Sleep 5 seconds between every two tries
keylget args MSGID mh
set i 1
set trialNum 3
set sleepPeriod 5
set dhList [datlist]
set enc “cp1256”
set gh [grmcreate -msg $mh hl7 2.3 hnam.hl7 {}]
set msgcontent [msgget $mh]
set msgcontent [encoding convertfrom $enc $msgcontent]
regsub -all ‘ $msgcontent ” msgcontent
#puts stdout “…$msgcontent”
#Trying To connect to the Database (ICIS_Interface)
while { [catch {lassign [gc_dbConnect $dsnName $dsnUser $dsnPass $debug] henv hdbc} err] } {
puts stderr “[fmtclock [getclock] %c] $err”
if { $i > $trialNum } {
#Could not connect to the DB
puts stderr “$module: Tried connecting $trialNum times in $mode mode. Giving up.”
puts stderr “Error: Check the connection string in: thread outbound settings, J2EEFUNCTIONS settings”
puts stderr “Error: If set properly, check that the data source is defined in odbc.ini file”
#set repmh [venus_constructReply $gh AE]
set dispList “KILL $mh”
#lappend dispList “SEND $repmh”
return $dispList
# Inform about the inability to connect and sleep for sleepPeriod (e.g. 5 seconds)
puts stderr “$module: Connection failure in attempt $i. Retrying in 5 seconds…”
sleep $sleepPeriod
incr i
#puts stdout “We have succeeded connecting…”
set cmd “insert INTO MSG_QUEUE (MSG,CONTROL_ID) values (N’$msgcontent’,’P’)”
set cmd [encoding convertto utf-8 $cmd]
if { [catch {
# Allocation of handler
puts stdout “$module: Doing SQLAllocHandle: [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]”
# puts stderr “The command was: $cmd”
# Try to execute the command that contains the function call
# If you catch an error stop the thread and echo it
# Else validate the reply
if { [catch {set rc [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $cmd SQL_NTS]} err] || [lsearch -exact $rcList $rc] < 0 } {
catch {append err “n[gc_dbGetODBCError $henv $hdbc $hstmt $debug]”}
puts stdout “Error: Could not execute the command, check your command”
puts stdout “Error: The Commeand was $cmd”
puts stdout “$module: Doing SQLExecDirect: $err”
} else {
#puts stdout “$module: Doing SQLExecDirect: $rc and the reply is $reply”
set repmh [venus_constructReply $msgcontent AA]
# Free the handle for the statement execution
puts stdout “$module: Doing SQLFreeHandle: [odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt]”
} err] } {
puts stderr “$module: Dramatic error $err”
# FREE handler, destroy grm.
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt}
catch {grmdestroy $gh}
catch {hcidatlistreset $dhList}
# Disconnect from the database
gc_dbDisconnect $henv $hdbc
# Specify the disposition
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
lappend dispList “SEND $repmh”
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
shutdown {
# Doing some clean-up work
return $dispList
- set debug “0” ; keylget uargs DEBUG debug