Scott Barrett

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  • in reply to: Fileset-Local Thread – Get Input Filename and Path #82451
    Scott Barrett

      Charlie Bursell wrote:

      You do not need to define Directory Parse/Delete routines to get file name if Fileset/Local

      Unless changed the message metadata will always contain it

      I posted this before:

      set klst [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]

      Or, if in Xlate

      set klst [xpmmetaget $xlateID DRIVERCTL]

      # Always set a default

      set filepath “”; keylget klst FILENAME filepath

      filepath will contain full path.

      in reply to: Multiple record FRL -> HL7 #76328
      Scott Barrett

        This is a very common flat-file format.  I have it in several varieties as well, from several different hospitals.

        They are just groupings of records that make 1 patient record, and all lines in the file are LF for UNIX, and CRLF for dos.

        Essentially the previous method of programming used 01 (in this case) to indicate that a new patient record is beginning (much like MSH indicates a new message)….and also qualified each individual record with an account number in each.

        Based on your last suggestion, I tried to convert all LF to CR, but that didn’t improve things.  I think I’ll write a pre-pass script to place a special character before the 01, then remove all LF, then change the special character to LF.  I think this will put an end to it.

        in reply to: Multiple record FRL -> HL7 #76326
        Scott Barrett

          It’s on a UNIX system, so there is a line-feed for each segment/record.






          Do you think that converting the line-feed character to something else before processing will make a difference?

          in reply to: Multiple record FRL -> HL7 #76324
          Scott Barrett

            Thanks Jim.

            I got a little closer….

            I set up the HRL as you suggested and set testing tool to read EOF instead of EOL, and defined the carriage return character into each FRL. This got it to read properly through the first complete recordset, but it won’t pick up the next 01 and so on.

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