Sandy McQuay

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  • in reply to: Upgrade 6.2.2 to 2022.09.03 on RHEL 8.9 #121644
    Sandy McQuay

      Thanks @Jim Gilbert!

      That worked . . . after I “deleted” the t_financial site (renamed the directory and removed the site in Server Administrator).  I couldn’t find any real documentation for deleting a site . . .

      The permissions on the folder now are:

      drwxrwxr-x. 22 hci staff 4096 Oct 18 15:15 t_financial

      Underlying files and directories appear to be correct as well.

      Fingers crossed!


      in reply to: So long, and thanks for all the fish. #121410
      Sandy McQuay

        Happy retirement, Rob!  Best wishes!

        Sandy McQuay

          This is great information.  We’re just starting to plan our upgrade from 6.2.2 on RHEL 7.9 to 2022.09.03 on RHEL x.x (not sure yet, whatever is certified).  We also have Sectra PACS.

          We’ll keep this in mind as we move forward.

          in reply to: FRL/HRL Repeat #118654
          Sandy McQuay

            Jim – The file is one big long record (i.e. no cr/lf).  I’m attaching a hex dump of the file.  In testing tool, I tried New Line Terminated and EOF with same results and also selected “process all records” on both NL/EOF.

            Charlie – I’m intrigued by your suggestion.  I may see what I can come up with.  I have more experience with HL7, so it might be easier to figure out the repeat.

            Thanks for the suggestions.  I’ll try to remember to post the solution.


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            in reply to: Protocol: database-inbound Configuration #118577
            Sandy McQuay

              Hi Jeff,

              My xlate is configured the same way.  Be sure to check “Store original message in metadata for downstream processing” on the route from the source interface, then on the database-outbound protocol configuration, check “Use cached pre-xlate message as whole message.”

              I’ll attach some screen shots.

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              in reply to: Protocol: database-inbound Configuration #118571
              Sandy McQuay

                I figured out my problem.  I was so focused on the protocol set up, that I failed to look at the other tabs, including the fact that Outbound Only was checked on Inbound tab.

                I made a copy of the aforementioned outbound-database for the database-inbound thread.  Guess I only looked at the protocol and routing information.


                in reply to: Protocol: database-inbound Configuration #118566
                Sandy McQuay

                  I tried both selecting and not selecting the Table Schema in the config.  Still doesn’t read the db.


                  in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86116
                  Sandy McQuay

                    😳  😳  😳

                    So, for the uuencode::uudecode command, it comes down to transposing the CR/LF mapping:


                    set DecryptWF [string map {\X0A\\X0D\ “n”} $DecryptWF]

                    instead of


                    set DecryptWF [string map {\X0D\\X0A\ “n”} $DecryptWF]

                    I guess when I combined the separate lines into one, I used the X0A line and tacked on the X0D.

                    This creates a readable TIF file:


                    package require uuencode
                    set WaveForm [lindex [split [hl7_get_field $data ZPD 3] ^] 2]

                    # Reinsert HL7 delimiter characters according to MUSE specs
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\F\ |} $WaveForm]
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\S\ ^} $DecryptWF]
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\T\ &} $DecryptWF]
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\R\ ~} $DecryptWF]
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\E\ \} $DecryptWF]
                    set DecryptWF [string map {\X0D\\X0A\ “n”} $DecryptWF]

                    set decodeWF [lindex [uuencode::uudecode $DecryptWF] 0 2]
                    msgset $mh $decodeWF
                    return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

                    However, even with mapping the CR/LF properly, I still can’t exec uudecode from the engine.  I’ll continue working with Infor on this.

                    I will probably move forward with using the uuencode package for this interface.

                    Many thanks to all who offered suggestions, especially David Barr and Charlie Bursell.  These guys went above and beyond!  This group is an awesome resource!

                    in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86115
                    Sandy McQuay

                      Holy crap Charlie!  I just took your “sandy.tcl” proc as is and ran it in the engine without making any changes.  It created a readable TIF!

                      Now I have to pick it apart and see what I’m doing wrong in my code.

                      in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86112
                      Sandy McQuay

                        Also, binary is not an option in 6.2 TPS tester.  I tried them all . . . no dice!

                        in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86111
                        Sandy McQuay

                          It’s currently working on 5.7.  I’m trying to get it to work in 6.2

                          in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86109
                          Sandy McQuay


                            I appreciate your tenacity in trying to find a resolution for this.  Unfortunately, the TCL uuencode::uudecode command returns nothing for me:


                            Please Wait ……
                            Command Issued: hcitpstest -r run -x ASCII -f nl -c sms_ib_data -e “hcitpstestshowbydisp ” /cloverleaf/cis6.2/integrator/clinical/data/MUSE_EKG_20180413141455.NL “tps_decodeMUSE”
                            Command output:

                            Wave form after uuencode::uudecode command:

                            Message should be here —><—

                            CONTINUE: ''

                            Granted, I  didn’t take your entire script, but I did take your suggestion on the CR/LF substitution and changed the decoding command to:


                            set msg [uuencode::uudecode $data]

                            Sorry my code is so messy.  It was originally written in the early 2000’s and has worked with subsequent upgrades, so it wasn’t a priority to streamline.  We don’t seem to have any performance issues in 5.7.  Also, I don’t have a formal programming education, so I typically just find what works and go with it.  🙂

                            in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86106
                            Sandy McQuay


                              I’m still not able to get any of these suggestions to work within the engine.  Infor support offered the exact same suggestion that Tao posted (is Tao with Infor?), but still no luck.

                              I’m beginning to think there may be something weird in my environment if everyone else is able to get these suggestions to work.

                              I’ve asked Infor for a WebEx so they can see it in my environment.

                              I’ll post once we find a resolution . . . or let you know I had to take the uudecode outside of the engine.

                              Thanks for all the work and research, especially David and Charlie!

                              in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86101
                              Sandy McQuay

                                Unfortunately, these suggestions still don’t work for me.

                                Here’s my shell script (bash not csh):


                                #!/usr/bin/bash -f

                                uudecode -o /dev/stdout $1

                                And my tcl script:


                                       run {
                                           # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
                                           keylget args MSGID mh

                                           set path “/usr/integrator/prod/muse/tmp”
                                           set zpd3 [lindex [split [lindex [split [lsearch -inline -regexp
                                              [split [msgget $mh] r] ^ZPD] |] 3] ^] 2]
                                           echo “ZPD-3:n$zpd3”

                                           # Substitutions
                                           set data [string map {\F\ |} $zpd3]
                                           set data [string map {\S\ ^} $data]
                                           set data [string map {\T\ &} $data]
                                           set data [string map {\R\ ~} $data]
                                           regsub -all {\X0A\} $data “n” data
                                           regsub -all {\X0D\} $data “r” data
                                           set data [string map {\E\ \} $data]

                                           set fh [open $path/EKG_DECRYPTED.tmp w]
                                           puts -nonewline $fh $data
                                           close $fh

                                           echo current encoding is [encoding system]   Tried with and without these lines
                                           encoding system identity                     <—/

                                           if {[catch {exec $path/EKG_DECRYPTED.tmp} msg]} {
                                               echo nERROR executing uudecode $msg
                                               echo To Error DBn
                                               #msgset $mh USERDATA "Error executing uudecode: $msg"  <—— This line gives me an error "expected integer but got "Error executing uudecode: uudecode: /usr/integrato"
                                               return "{ERROR $mh}"

                                           msgset $mh $msg
                                           return "{CONTINUE $mh}"
                                           #lappend dispList "CONTINUE $mh"      

                                And here’s the error I get in the route tester and engine (still works in tps tester):


                                ERROR executing uudecode uudecode: /usr/integrator/prod/muse/tmp/EKG_DECRYPTED.tmp: No `begin’ line

                                Here’s the version of uudecode I have (in case that makes a difference):


                                [hci@cloverleaf-prd scripts]$ uudecode -v
                                uudecode (GNU sharutils) 4.13.3

                                I appreciate all the help and suggestions.  I will open a ticket with support and report this as a bug.  Until it’s resolved, I’ll take the uudecode processing outside the engine.

                                in reply to: Linux uudedode "No `begin’ line" #86098
                                Sandy McQuay

                                  Oops!  Let’s try again.

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