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Thank you Jim. I will read this carefully.
Jim, I got the messages sent but the receiving side sent me this info that i have the header formatted incorrectly.
ERROR Web.HL7I An error has occured in this ASHX page. Please contact Avanza support for assistance. (The ASHX page was not called with a ‘loginid’ form variable.)
FATAL Web.HL7I The ASHX page was not called with a ‘loginid’ form variable.
I didnt actually create a header.
Yes, that was it. Thank you.
I used the tclcurl proc suggested from the post. It ‘seems’ to have sent the messages but I am getting an error in my log.
[ssl :clse:WARN/0:Immunizations_OB:02/17/2014 09:04:11] [0.0.3603364] Cannot OVER original OB message (yet)
I have never seen that before. Does anyone know what that would mean?
Thanks all, we are 5.7 and needed the SSL license. Got that installed so I am on to the next step. Looked at the link that was sent and going to try that tclcurl. I will update when I work this out so maybe it will help someone else out.
McKesson is really going to 2.5 due to Meaningful Use requirements. I do have some lower versions and was concerned about this. Do I have to join the HL7 group to be able to download the documentation?
Thanks Jim. It worked. So much easier. We are upgrading to 5.7 so at least I can look when/if I need again and cant remember.
Again, Thank you so much.
Thanks I thought of that but using the bulkcopy what of my other ADT messages? The only ones they don’t accept are A31. Still need all the others. tried that and still got an error. Here are screen shots of the xlate and error here they are
Sorry tried to type it that way and it doesnt work. Getting “Extra characters” error.
Do i type it just like that? And will that screen for messages that are either x or y in PV1, 10?
I tried a separate message for each group with the CONTINUE option in an XLATE. But it makes for very confusing group of messages. In the clinical aspect it looks like there are more then one specimen being analyzed.
none that I know of yet. I am getting all other messages/results across. But the big problem seems to be micro messages when cultures have multiple organisms with susceptibilites. My concern was when changing to OBX will the susceptility stay with the proper organism since all these will now be OBX segments. The message for these come with OBR for the first organism and then mulitple OBX for susceptiblity results, then another OBR with more OBX results for that organism susceptibilty. Sorry, I am a clinical person recruited to do interfacing. Traing keeps getting postponed because I keep making it work but this has me stymied.
I have some iterations for OBX and NTE within my OBR iterations, do I wnat to put the CONTINUE as the last action after all these?
And why do I want a Suppress?