Rodney Howell

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  • in reply to: Cloverleaf GUI Running Slow #86502
    Rodney Howell

      Keith and Jim,

      Thanks for your response to the slowness issue I was facing.

      I did find that my server vs client version was at a different level which Keith indicated and suggested reinstalling the patch but after reinstalling the patch and bringing both to the same level, I was still experiencing the slow to open a NetConfig (1:15 min/sec). I installed Cloverleaf on a different laptop and did not experience the slowness so I uninstalled, rebooted and then reinstalled Cloverleaf on my laptop and now it appears that things are back to normal.

      Thanks for the support.

      Sr. Integration Analyst
      Houston Methodist

      in reply to: Cloverleaf GUI Running Slow #86501
      Rodney Howell

        Keith and Jim,

        Thanks for your response to the slowness issue I was facing.

        I did find that my server vs client version was at a different level which Keith indicated and suggested reinstalling the patch but after reinstalling the patch and bringing both to the same level, I was still experiencing the slow to open a NetConfig (1:15 min/sec). I installed Cloverleaf on a different laptop and did not experience the slowness so I uninstalled, rebooted and then reinstalled Cloverleaf on my laptop and now it appears that things are back to normal.

        Thanks for the support.

        Sr. Integration Analyst
        Houston Methodist

        in reply to: Cloverleaf GUI Running Slow #86500
        Rodney Howell

          I did install Cloverleaf and the patch as administrator. The Cloverleaf server and I both are inside the firewall so that should not effect performance.

          Sr. Integration Analyst
          Houston Methodist

          in reply to: Cloverleaf GUI Running Slow #86497
          Rodney Howell


            I checked the client and server build information and I did find that they were our of sync. I reinstalled the patch and now they are at the same level 5.8.4.OP. The GUI is still slow. If you think of anything else, please let me know.


            Sr. Integration Analyst
            Houston Methodist

            in reply to: Segment Out Of Order Error #85559
            Rodney Howell

              Thanks for responding Keith,

              Jim Kosloskey was kind enough to take time out of his day to help resolve the issue.


              In the 2.5.1 HL7 standard variant RDE_O11 TQ1 is a required field. The messages I tested with and failed did not have a TQ1 segment. The testing tool indicated that the segments after RXE: RXR, RXC, OBX and ZRX were out of order instead of presenting TQ1 >< as an empty segment. TQ1 being an empty segment would have made it obvious as to the issue.


              Thanks Jim

              Sr. Integration Analyst
              Houston Methodist

              in reply to: Running Cloverleaf Utilities from a Perl Script #81492
              Rodney Howell

                Thanks Matthew…your solution is working.

                Sr. Integration Analyst
                Houston Methodist

              Viewing 6 replies – 1 through 6 (of 6 total)