Mohammed Iqbal

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  • in reply to: Notes in Global monitor – no newline in display #84937
    Mohammed Iqbal

      Actually, I believe that was the information I needed. I was not linking to the HTML file, by inputting the link to the file in HTML format.

      I will try it out and if that doesn’t work I’ll just paste the HTML code directly.

      Nevertheless, thank you for your help Jim, I greatly appreciate it.



      in reply to: Notes in Global monitor – no newline in display #84934
      Mohammed Iqbal

        Jim, can you please clarify how you would link the html file? I added the directory path  to the HTML file within the notes tab of the thread in NetConfig; however, it simply displays the path as text?

        If you could help clarify it would be greatly appreciated.

        in reply to: Field Not Clearing Between Messages #85801
        Mohammed Iqbal


          Thank you for your help and pointing me in the right direction. I was able to get it working by taking another look at how I was iterating through the multiple segments. I had to add another group, and then place a group within that group. After doing so, followed by additional trial and error, the concatenation started to occur.

          Thank you again for your help.


          -Mohammed Iqbal

          in reply to: Field Not Clearing Between Messages #85799
          Mohammed Iqbal

            The first code snippet is with the use of the CONCAT Action in place. I’m not certain why it states COPY when viewed in text.

            in reply to: Field Not Clearing Between Messages #85797
            Mohammed Iqbal

              Jim, thank you for the response. My apologies, for the delayed reply.

              The first situation is the one that applies for me, in terms of the OB being a single OBX segment. That said, I attempted your suggestion; however, it does not appear to be working, possibly because I may not be interpreting your directions correctly. The text below is from the xlate’s text file, for the relevant portion addressing OBX-5:


                             { { OP COPY }
                                 { ERR 0 }
                                 { IN {{1(0).1(0).3(%g1).0(0).OBX(0).#5(0).[0]} {=\.br\} {~1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).#5(0).[0]}} }
                                 { OUT {{1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).#5(0).[0]}} }
                                 { COPYSEP {} }

              The following is how I previously had it configured with the foreach statement:


                             { { OP COPY }
                                 { REM 1 }
                                 { ERR 0 }
                                 { PRE {
                                     set obx5 $xlateInVals
                                             foreach $xlateInVals $obx5 {

                                             set xOut [string map {{ “” } “”} [concat $obx5\.br\]]



                                             append obx5out $xOut

                                             set xlateOutVals [list $obx5out]
                                 { IN 1(0).1(0).3(%g1).0(0).OBX(0).#5(0) }
                                 { OUT 1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).#5(0) }

              Does my setup seem inaccurate?

              in reply to: Archive and Remove Files from FTP Server #84750
              Mohammed Iqbal

                Thank you for the reply. I created an intermediary step which pulls the files to a local directory, enabling them to be archived. I was trying to do all of this in one step, rather than two separated processes.

                For example, a process for pulling the file from the FTP Server to a local directory. Followed by another process for archiving the file and pushing them to another FTP server.

                If anyone has any suggestions on how to accomplish this in one process (i.e., one Inbound FTP thread to one Outbound FTP thread), it would be greatly appreciated.

                in reply to: Unintended Merging/Appending of Outbound Messages #84504
                Mohammed Iqbal


                  The affected outbound thread receives results from 4 different inbound threads. The protocols for the routing from those four threads consists of:

                  1 x pdl-tcpip

                  3 x tcpip

                  The merged messages all appear to be from those results sent from the single pdl-tcpip route.

                  in reply to: Unable to Find Infinite Loop Cause #84212
                  Mohammed Iqbal

                    Thank you Keith and Paul I sincerely appreciate your help. After some trial and error, the following code was able to accomplish what we were attempting to do:


                    set NTE [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
                    set RLKlist “”
                    while {[string length $NTE] > 1} {
                    set xlineLastSpaceIndex [string last x20 [string range $NTE 0 79]]
                    set RLK [string range $NTE 0 $xlineLastSpaceIndex]
                    regsub -all — $RLK $NTE “” NTE
                    lappend RLKlist $RLK
                    set RLK [join $RLKlist “\.br\”]
                    set xlateOutVals [list $RLK]

                    I may add the additional condition to consider situations for strings exceeding 80 characters missing spaces; however, given the field this script is intended to target, I would not expect for that to happen, as it is a free-text/notes field in the application. But it is better to be safe and account for that 1 off chance of the issue occurring, so I will attempt to add the additional condition and hope that it doesn’t mess up the script that’s already working.

                    Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it.


                    in reply to: Unable to Find Infinite Loop Cause #84208
                    Mohammed Iqbal

                      Thank you for the response Keith. I attempted the code you suggested; however, the appending of the output values from the while loop only shows the output from the last iteration. So, the resulting output is whatever the output was from the last loop.

                      Is there another way to do this? For example write the output values to a list, and later combine that list to a single string with injected code in the right places?

                      Thank you for your help.

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