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I am in the process of upgrading to version 5.8 and they do provide the 5010 version of the message. I hope it will be an easy conversion from 4010 to 5010 Chris. Thank you very much for your help. I will try it now. JIm. Thank you for your guidance. I am still puzzled about the number I need to put as the basis for this example: 2(1).1(0)…….
Type: Group
Basis: ???????
Variable: %g1
Thaks again.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I will try them out. I took your advice and it is working well with the 2 threads. Michael. You are absolutely right about the . I retyped the code and it works perfect. Thank to Rick for his code and you for your comments. Rick. I am getting this error in the test tool: Tcl callout error
erroCode: NONE
wrong # args: should be “upvar ?level? otherVar localVar ?otherVar localVar …?”
while executing
“upvar xlateId xlateId “
(procedure “xltCounter” line 2)
invoked from within
Rick. Thank you very much for the sample code. Thank you both for your educated input. used string range function and it worked for me…still wandering why trimleft did not work…but never mind. Thanks. I tried @null ask per your advice and it worked. Do you know if @blank will work too? Thanks again for your advice. Can I invoke this small routine in xlate? -