Hi Robert,
Thanks for your reply.
I had tried to use a TCL on the inbound, but had a problem with the exec.
I tried with:
set tmp [ exec C:\Data\vbs\SendMail3.vbs ]
Then I get:
C:DatavbsSendMail3.vbs(24, 1) (null): The system cannot find the file specified.
Then I tried with:
set tmp [ exec cscript C:\Data\vbs\SendMail3.vbs ]
Same result. When I try the following:
set tmp [ exec wscript C:\Data\vbs\SendMail3.vbs ]
Everything omes to a halt, but not error, and if I pass another msg it is not beeing handled, and I can not stop the thread.
I take it that has to do with the SendMail3.vbs, but that is a different matter.