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Thanks, Works perfectly
I cant speak for how fast they would process, but you could do something like this, running on a linux system. Running an older version, make sure to change the , and to fit your needs. This would pick up each file, select all messages and then resend the selected messages.
my $qdx_rt = “/usr/quovadx/qdx5.7MB/integrator”;
my $smatloc = “/usr/quovadx/qdx5.7MB/integrator//exec/processes”;
eval `$qdx_rt/sbin/hcisetenv -root perl $qdx_rt `;
opendir(SMATDIR, $smatloc)
or die “Unable to open $smatloc for purge: $!n”;
@msg_files = grep /.idx/, readdir(SMATDIR);
my @smatfils = sort @msg_files;
for $eachfile (@smatfils) {
$replaysmat = “hcismat -i /usr/quovadx/qdx5.7MB/integrator//exec/processes/$eachfile -ib -sall -orst
I tried adding to the line, now looks like this
Error changed to
Unable to initialize DBI, err = 2
am i missing any other folders that need to be in the path??
Thanks for taking a look.
Thanks, there are more than one firewall that we jump through, will have the networking team look into the timeouts on the firewalls between systems.
December 2, 2011 at 8:15 pm in reply to: No response within timeout — assuming process is hung #75597Hello,
Have seen this occur on 5.2, 5.3, & 5.7, have always brought the system down and ran a cleanup. Good to know that they will actually process through. Thanks.
I did get this working, what we had to do is create a tcl proc for the directory parse that used the glob cmd to grab the directory contents. Once i had the contents in a list, we were able o sort them and send them out. I had a high volume of records coming through so it appeared that the read interval could only pick up a small amount of files. Grabbing the directory made it easier to do. Here is the code i used for the directory parse. Not sure it
Here are the .err file and the log from the process folder. I am using the advanced scheduler to read every 2 minutes, so have 0,2,4… up to 58 in the minutes, have everything else as a *. What it seems to me is happening is after it processes the first file it doesn
Hello Jim,
This is sending to c:save on my test system, also the read directory is picking up from c:save as well.
Same directory.
Using windows, so what i did is write a bat file to delete the counter file at midnight every night. This seems to be working as needed, thanks for the help.
Have done them after the initial OBX’s a few times, but one way you may wish to try in your translation. Prior to the iterate add them in, If they are always a fixed number of OBX statements you can set a counter varible as the same value as then number of statements you have added. In your iterate use the counter and the math add fucntion to increment and replace the OBX 2 value so your index is correct.
Joe Paquette GE Healthcare
Hello, Usually have better control using tcl, have not really had a good example to look at using the suppress/continue option. Working on the translation now may need some direction with the suppress/continue placements.
Thanks, worked perfectly. Joe
Hello, I can setup a proc and give it a try, I did try using a code frag in the xlate using the after command. This still sent them at the same time, will try a new proc with the delay in it to see if that helps. Thanks
Well.. my code was doing what it was supposed to, had a second copy command in my xlate that was putting back the original value, once i deleted that line the code frag worked as designed.. Thanks for the assistance. Joe