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If PV1.2 doesn’t equal variable pttype (E) AND PV1.3 isn’t valued the message won’t be passed.
Hi Steven,
First, I am assuming the each provider code in your table is associated with a “YES” in the right had column (Note that I commented out some of your code and added a bit with explanatory comments as to what I was doing). If that’s the case you can do this:
Near the top of your code: set disp “KILL”
Make these changes:
# Check the Dr. Code with the Alls_Dr.tbl and see if it is a match. If there is a match
# then the message would pass, else kill it.
#set value [tbllookup $table $ORCDr]
#set value2 [tbllookup $table $OBRDr]
#set value3 [tbllookup $table $DrCCList]
# This will loop through each value in the DrCCList
foreach Dr $DrCCList {
# Gets the value in the right hand column for the Dr code in the left hand column
set IsItThere [tbllookup $table $Dr]
# If “IsItThere” is “YES”, set “disp” to “CONTINUE”
if { $IsItThere eq “YES” } {
set disp “CONTINUE”
# Break out of the foreach loop and continue execution of the proc
lappend dispList “$disp $mh”
#if {
#[string equal $value “YES”]
#|| [string equal $value2 “YES”]
#|| [string equal $value3 “YES”]
#} then {
#lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
#} else {
#lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
Also, you should add a default value in your table of “NO”.
Note that I didn’t test this code so you should.
I hope this helps,
I haven’t received a clovertech digest since 22 November. Anyone else having a problem?
Thanks Rob! I started receiving them again yesterday evening.
I haven’t received any digests since 2115 on Monday, 19 July. Is anyone else currently having problems receiving Clovertech digests?
I happened to be looking at the documentation for enabling tracing in Unix for DataDirect ODBC connections just the other day. Here’s the relevant excerpt to turn tracing on:
System Information (odbc.ini) File
The [ODBC] section of the system information file includes three keywords related to tracing: Trace, TraceFile, and TraceDll. For example:
In this example, tracing is enabled, trace information is logged in a file named odbctrace.out, and performs the tracing.
You enable tracing by setting the value of Trace to 1. Set the value to 0 to disable tracing. Tracing continues until you disable it. Be sure to turn off tracing when you are finished reproducing the issue because tracing decreases the performance of your ODBC application.
To specify the path and name of the trace log file, enter it as the value for TraceFile. If no location is specified, the trace log resides in the working directory of the application you are using.
DataDirect Technologies ships a default shared object,, to perform tracing. If you want to use a custom shared object instead, enter the path and name of the shared object as the value for TraceDll.
Additionally, here is a link to the DataDirect troubleshooting guide:
I hope this helps.
Hi Charlie,
I’d be interested in sqlite and tclcurl. If they were offered back to back that would be good.
Hi Kevin,
Here’s what I came up with. I didn’t test it, but it should be close to right.
switch -exact [lindex $fldList 0] {
PD1 {
if { [llength $fldList] >= [expr $PrimaryPos + 1] } {
set repList [split [lindex $fldList $PrimaryPos] $repSep]
foreach rep $repList {
set value [lindex [split $rep $subSep] 0]
set PrimaryPosVal[tbllookup $table $value]
# What you do next depends on whether you want to kill
# the doc out of the list or kill/continue the record.
I am wondering why you are calling your value returned from the table “PrimaryPosVal”.
If you provide more information I’ll be happy to try to help.
Hi Shaun,
Here’s something I did to strip out everything but MRN from PID.3.
# Strip out all numbers in PID.3 except MRN
set NumOfPID_3reps [$hl7msg countFieldReps PID.3]
set mrn “”
for {set j 0} { $j < $NumOfPID_3reps } {incr j} {
if {[string equal [$hl7msg getField PID.3.4] “MR”]} {
set mrn [$hl7msg getField PID.3.0]
set mrn [string trimleft $mrn “0”]
if {$mrn ne “”} {
$hl7msg setField PID.3 $mrn
I hope this helps!
Hi Dennis,
You can do this. Assuming all you need to do is pass the data straight through to the receiving system, in network monitor do the following:
1) Right click on the outbound thread, choose control>full.
2) Choose the “resend” button.
3) In the “Resend Datafile” window make the following selections:
A) Under “Direction” choose “Outbound pre-TPS”.
B) Under “Msg Type” “Data” will already be selected. Leave it as is.
C) Leave priority alone.
D) For “Filename” browse to your file using the “List” button.
E) For “File Format”, you will have to figure out what type of file you
have and choose the appropriate radio button.
If you take a look under Help>Contents you will find a number of reference guides that are pretty well written. I’ve had to do a lot of “seat-of-the-pants” learning and have found these guides to be invaluable. Most useful to me have been the User’s Guides (both volumes) and the Reference Guide, which is a programmers reference.
Good Luck!