Jerry Hendrickson

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  • in reply to: Basic Tutorial for Using SQLite With Cloverleaf #121218
    Jerry Hendrickson

      Hi Max.  Here is the code.


      proc tps_labcorp_check_db_new { args } {
      global HciConnName HciSiteDir ;# Name of thread, site
      keylget args MODE mode
      set ctx “” ; keylget args CONTEXT ctx
      set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargs
      set debug 0
      set module “tps_labcorp_check_db_new/$HciConnName/$ctx”
      set dispList {}

      switch -exact — $mode {

      start {}
      run {
      if {$debug} {echo DEBUG: $module: Begin.}

      keylget args MSGID mh
      set msg [msgget $mh]

      set db $HciSiteDir/data/sqlite/labcorp.db
      sqlite DBCMD $db
      DBCMD timeout 10000 ;#timeout controls db locking parameter

      set mrn [hl7get $msg PID 3 0] ;# Database column: mrn
      set csn [hl7get $msg PV1 19 0] ;# Database column: csn
      set admDate [hl7get $msg PID 18 0] ;# Database column: har
      set orderNum [hl7get $msg OBR 2 0] ;# Database column: order
      set labTest [hl7get $msg OBR 4 0] ;# Database column: labTest
      set query “select admDate, orderNum from labcorp where mrn = ‘$mrn’ and csn = ‘$csn’ and labTest = $labTest”
      set record “”

      if {[catch {
      set record [DBCMD eval $query] ;# Returning a list of 3 elements (mrn, csn, and admDate)
      #echo <record: $record>
      } err]} {
      echo “ERROR: $module: Error in db processing: $err”

      # If match found, copy admDate value found in sqlite into msg PV1-44
      if {[llength $record] > 0 } {
      # Get the HL7 encoding characters
      set fld [string range $msg 3 3]
      set com [string range $msg 4 4]
      set rep [string range $msg 5 5]
      set esc [string range $msg 6 6]
      set sub [string range $msg 7 7]

      # Split the message into into segments
      set segments [split $msg \r]
      #echo segments <$segments>

      # Get the segment and split it into fields
      set loc [lsearch -regexp $segments {^PV1}] ;# Get the element number of the PV1 segment
      set PV1 [lindex $segments $loc] ;# Get the PV1 segment
      set PV1 [split $PV1 $fld] ;# Create a list of PV1 fields

      # Making additional fields to get to PV1-44. If list length is less than 19 than increment field
      for { set i [llength $PV1]} { $i < 45} { incr i} {
      lappend PV1 {}

      # Make the modifications
      set PV1 [lreplace $PV1 44 44 [lindex $record 0]]
      set PV1 [join $PV1 $fld]
      set segments [lreplace $segments $loc $loc $PV1]

      # Get the ORCsegment and split it into fields
      set loc2 [lsearch -regexp $segments {^ORC}] ;# Get the element number of the ORC segment
      set PV1 [lindex $segments $loc] ;# Get the ORC segment
      set PV1 [split $PV1 $fld] ;# Create a list of ORC fields

      # Rebuild the message
      set msg [join $segments \r]
      msgset $mh $msg
      } else {
      #echo “Not modifying the message”
      #return “{KILL $mh}”
      # What to do if no records found in db?

      # Disconnect from sqlite db
      if {[catch { DBCMD close } err]} {
      echo “ERROR: $module: Error closing database: $err”

      set dispList “{CONTINUE $mh}”

      time {}
      shutdown {}
      default {}

      return $dispList

      in reply to: Basic Tutorial for Using SQLite With Cloverleaf #121213
      Jerry Hendrickson

        Hi Max.  I have written a number of scripts to update and read sqlite databases, but now I need to do a loop.  I need to write a record to the database for ORMs containing PID-3, PV1-19, PV1-44, OBR-2.1, and OBR-4.1 for each OBR segment.  I attached my proc to do a single insert.  How do I loop it to insert for multiple OBRs?


        Thanks, Jerry.

        in reply to: Hard code segments #83180
        Jerry Hendrickson

          Jim, thanks for the clarification on that.  I built the variant, but did not run it.  I do learn a lot on here:)

          in reply to: Hard code segments #83177
          Jerry Hendrickson

            Hi Andres.  I am fairly new to cloverleaf, but I think I have an idea for you.  You should be able to create a variant with a user defined segment preceding the MSH (I just did one to test it out), and one or more other user defined segments at the end, or wherever else you need them.  You could than copy the values you need into the fields in those segments in the translation, along with the real data you wish to pass.  Jerry.

            in reply to: HL7 message volume for Epic vs McKesson #82895
            Jerry Hendrickson

              Which types of A31 messages did you decide to suppress?

              in reply to: HL7 message volume for Epic vs McKesson #82893
              Jerry Hendrickson

                James and Keith, thank you for the input.  That is good information to be aware of.  Have a great weekend.


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