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This is coming within the regular text. They are things that the transcriptionist can add when typing a report. They are all used in medical terminology.
What operating system are you on? Yes, we do it not only to the same box but to our test box also. We set them up as an outbound thread on the originating site and use PROTOCOL:pdl-tcpip with HOST set to localhost and send to an inbound thread on our other site.
If you need more information, please let me know and I can send you some screen shots.
In the translation you will see that each field has a number or several numbers in from of it, such as 0(0).MSH(0). This is the IR tag. Somewhere in your translation you have one that does not match the actual tag of the field.
Another way if you are using a translation is to add an if statement at the beginning of the translation and then suppress the message.
The if statement would be:
if eq =ZZTEST
It just sits there and thinks about it…. We have been on it for quit some time…we did just put on the Rev1, but it is only effecting one of us, not all of us. It also is happening on both our test and production servers. Try using the catch command. I don’t have an example with me, but I am sure it is in the tcl help.
John you are correct, this works wonderfully.
The IN1,2,3 reflect 3 different lines of information for the each occurence of an insurance. Are you seeing multiple groups of the IN1,2,3 coming in?
July 14, 2008 at 9:29 pm in reply to: "Accept on connect failed: Software caused connection a #65112We’ve actually determined it’s a Bar Batch job that is sending the numerous updates out NMI. Most of the time it just slows down everything on the engine for a bit and catches up without big issues. Once in awhile though it seems to bring NMI to a screeching halt. It’s as if the engine gets confused, NMI gets confused and until the engine process gets reset NMI backs up more. There’s actually 2 inbound threads that are affected: one regular adt’s and the other pac’s. Have you ever had anything weird like that happen? I did get it working with the help of a friend that lead me in the right direction. First we concatenated the different pieces of data into the OBX.5 field with @ as our delimiter. We then brought in the destination as our source: (We added a couple of other fields that we needed to hard code information in for each segment)
contains our data~~1(0).1(0).1(obxcnt).OBX(0).#1
output starts with 1 and increments for each segment~~1(0).1(0).1(obxcnt).OBX(0).#2
hardcode value for each segment~~1(0).1(0).1(obxcnt).OBX(0).#5
split our data on @ and created OBX segment for each value in our list~~1(0).1(0).1(obxcnt).OBX(0).#11
hardcode value for each segmentHere is the code we used to create the different OBX segments:
echo $xlateInVals
set datalist [split [lindex $xlateInVals 0] “@”]
echo $datalist
set obxcnt 0
set outList {}
set xlateOutVals {}
foreach value $datalist {
set current [ string trimleft [ lindex $xlateInList 1 ] “~” ]
regsub obxcnt $current $obxcnt current
set outList $current
set outval [ expr $obxcnt + 1 ]
xpmstore $xlateId $outList c $outvalset current [ string trimleft [ lindex $xlateInList 2 ] “~” ] regsub obxcnt $current $obxcnt current
set outList $current
set outval “TX”
xpmstore $xlateId $outList c $outval
set current [ string trimleft [ lindex $xlateInList 3 ] “~” ]
regsub obxcnt $current $obxcnt current
set outList $current
xpmstore $xlateId $outList c $value
set specimenStatus [ lindex $xlateInVals 5 ]
if { $specimenStatus == “” } {
set specimenStatus “F”
set current [ string trimleft [ lindex $xlateInList 4 ] “~” ]
regsub obxcnt $current $obxcnt current
set outList $current
xpmstore $xlateId $outList c $specimenStatus
incr obxcnt
echo obxcnt $obxcnt
Thanks to both of you. I didn’t catch the CPI type, but will correct it now. So the data must be in the same order that the elements are. The data I am using is actually from an hl7 message that I did a translation on with this schema. It produces the xml file, but I can’t get it to go the other way and create an hl7 message. Ryan, where are you located now? I haven’t talked to you since you left LabCorp…..
I am including my schema in case you want to take a look. I had to change the ext to .txt, but it should be .xsd I am using XMLSpy and it has validated my schema. I changed everything to ENGINE=”xs:string” and that took care of that error. Now I am getting: Element “OrderingPhysicianID” is not valid for content model: ”((AppointmentID,Patient,TechnologistID,Technologist,StressorID,Stressor,OrderingPhysicianID,OrderingPhysician,ReferringID,Referring,ReadingPhysicianID,ReadingPhysician,Date_x0020_Of_x0020_Test,Location,Status,NoShow,TestType),ReferringPhysicianID)’ – Line 1, Col 711
This is never ending….and why is everyone in such a hurry to implement XML?