James Danley

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  • in reply to: Looking for link to get Level 3 certification (Advanced) #118780
    James Danley

      Hi Varun,

      Not sure what the price of the classes is. You can email education for help on the pricing. Their email is inforcampus@infor.com. For your certificates, log in to campus; click on the Menu Icon located on the left corner of your screen, then click on the “ME” icon. Then completed Learning, you will see the classes, and next to them, you will have a “print certificate” option. If you have other questions, you can email me at james.danley@infor.com.



      James Danley | Learning Consultant, Principal
      James.Danley@infor.com | http://www.infor.com

      in reply to: Inter-Siter Routing with Cloverleaf 5.8 #75824
      James Danley

        If you going to do inter site routing using OVER, make sure that your Destination Name is the same name as the destination thread’s name. And also set SOURCECONN to the same. Then the OVER will work.


        James Danley | Learning Consultant, Principal
        James.Danley@infor.com | http://www.infor.com

        in reply to: Multi-server max client limits? #74861
        James Danley


          When using Multi-Server you need to get the CONNID from the DRIVERCTL in the inbound message. An then place it into the reply message. If you don’t Cloverleaf will not know which connection to send the reply to.


          msgmetaset $mhReply DRIVERCTL [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]

          James Danley | Learning Consultant, Principal
          James.Danley@infor.com | http://www.infor.com

          in reply to: Problem with lappend #68352
          James Danley


            If a command argument calls for a variable name then don’t use a dollar sign. So remove the dollar sign from your variable:

            set newSegmentList

          • lappend newSegmentList [lindex $segmentList $loopCountOBR]

            lappend newSegmentList “NTE|||~*LAB CANCEL REQUEST* ~The test identified as: FE DEF PANEL has been cancelled. Please confirm receipt of the Lab within the EMR and FILE IN ERROR. Note: This cancel request should be removed from the chart.”

            That should fix your problem!


          • James Danley | Learning Consultant, Principal
            James.Danley@infor.com | http://www.infor.com

          in reply to: Training #63188
          James Danley


            We do onsite training for customers. I can give you a call,  and we can talk about your training needs.


            James Danley

            James Danley | Learning Consultant, Principal
            James.Danley@infor.com | http://www.infor.com

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