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Hi Gina, did you find a solution to the issue with the smat file causing issue?
We have Meditech and what I have seen and understood so far is that the user will admit a patient and have the ability to query to the state their immunizations. If there’s a patient match then the state will return the immunizations for that patient and the user can then post them to the patients chart/account.
Hey Peter,
I don’t think the state requires real-time, I say this because right now we are sending a FTP file with immunizations to them and that file gets sent once daily. I haven’t read anything required real-time for Illinois. You can always confirm with your NYS contact, but I have a feeling it’s not required.
Hi David,
I may have to do the same and use Cloverleaf’s web service add-on for our bidirectional interface. Just wondering how far have you gotten with this…thanks
I found another way to add the days. Instead of using the julian date I am just adding days to my IF statement. So far it works, I will need to test it out a little more using different dates but so far so good.
Sorry Jennifer, I posted my resolution to your post instead of mine! ah!
I found another way to add the days. Instead of using the julian date I am just adding days to my IF statement. So far it works, it will need to test it out a little more using different dates but it works so far.
if [string equal $juliant_day “Fri”] {
set dt [clock format [clock scan “3 days”] -format %y%m%d]
echo jult date= $dt
} elseif [string equal $juliant_day “Sat”] {
set dt [clock format [clock scan “2 days”] -format %y%m%d]
echo jult date= $dt
} else {
set dt [clock format [clock scan “1 days”] -format %y%m%d]
echo jult date= $dt
Hi Bill,
I tried your suggestion and it still didn’t work. I got the below error message:
[0:TEST] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tps_northern_trust’
args = ”
result = ‘bad switch “-format”: must be -base or -gmt’
errorInfo: ‘
bad switch “-format”: must be -base or -gmt
while executing
“clock scan $juldt_int -format “%j””
thank you
We currently have the same issue since we moved from egate to clover. The incoming thread would lose connection due to lack of activity. We had to manually stop and restart the thread in order to re-connect and receive messages. I asked the network people to check TCP keepalive setting and they said they matched the vendors. I wasn’t sure what else to do or what to ask so I created an alert in clover. The alert will call a command to restart the thread if there is no activity > than 10 minutes. So far so good…
Hi Jim,
The vendor wants me to me to strip out the OBR that has a negative OBX result out of the ORU message.
I have the loop set up in the OBX segment to filter but that doesn’t help me since I didn’t include the OBR segments into my loop and I am stuck in that part.
In the sample below, the top part is the raw message and the bottom is how the vendor wants to see it. The green high lighted portion is the positive OBX segment that I want to send to the vendor. Thank you !
I was able to use this thread to help me filter out OBX segments that had a negative values. My problem is that when I filter the OBX segments I still get the other OBR segments that were linked with the negative OBX segments. Any advice on how to get rid of the unwanted OBR’s?
Thanks Charlie. I used your sample and it worked great.
My goal was to filter out normal lab results but some ORU obx segments had combination of abnormal/normal flags.
This is what I used in case it helps anyone out there:
foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp $segments {^OBX}] {
set OBX [split [lindex $segments $loc] $fldSep]
set obx_8 [lindex $OBX 8]
set abnormal_value [lindex $obx_8]
echo Abnormal Value = $abnormal_value
set tableName Valid_Abnormal_Values
set abnormalflag [tbllookup $tableName $abnormal_value]
echo The Flag =$abnormalflag
} ;# foreach
thanks Levy!
I appreciate your help and the comments to help me understand each line.
thank you, I did have it set for the thread Status. I changed it to protocal status and did find the “opening” state option in there..thanks!
thanks Jim. I pasted the wrong output on my initial post.
What my goal is, i wnt the # concatednatd to the description
AL1(0) |1|DA|476^Penicillins#
AL1(1) |2|FA|10433^Blue D&C No.2#
AL1(2) |3|FA|10827^D & C No.1 (Blue)#
the suggestion that you gave me
gave me this result:
AL1(0) : >|1|DA|476^Penicillins~^^476Penicillins#
AL1(1) : >|2|FA|10433^Blue D&C No.2~^^10433Blue DC No.2#
AL1(2) : >|3|FA|10827^D & C No.1 (Blue)~^^10827D C No.1 (Blue)#