Eric Sligh

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  • in reply to: What is the cost for Basic Security in Cloverleaf? #72991
    Eric Sligh

      Thanks Jim!

      in reply to: Taking 1 IB Result message and sending 3 OB messages #72929
      Eric Sligh

        That worked perfectly.

        in reply to: Repeating field issue in tcl #71196
        Eric Sligh

          Since the split isn’t working correctly it still doesn’t add the zeros. It is interpreting the entire string.

          result = ‘expected integer but got “229^LONG^CHAD^J”‘

          So the %d will not work unless I get the second split of the sub_sep to work.

          My output now looks like this after I changed the %d to %s:


          So it is closer but instead of the 018018229 it should be 01800229.

          in reply to: Repeating field issue in tcl #71194
          Eric Sligh


            When I inserted that code I got the following error:

            Please Wait ……

            Command Issued: hcitpstest -r run -f len10 -c sms_ib_data -e “hcitpstestshowbydisp ” /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/pod_prod_01/HCIDOCNUMISSUE “z_fixHmsToMcKesson.1.1 {HMSID 018} {MCKID A} {TOSYS HCI}”

            Command output:


            [0:TEST] Tcl error:

            msgId = message0

            proc = ‘z_fixHmsToMcKesson.1.1’

            args = ‘{HMSID 018} {MCKID A} {TOSYS HCI}’

            result = ‘expected integer but got “229^LONG^CHAD^J”‘

            errorInfo: ‘

            expected integer but got “229^LONG^CHAD^J”

               while executing

            “format %05d $DocNumber_9_0”

               (“PV1” arm line 50)

               invoked from within

            “switch -exact — $type {

                            MSH {

                               set msg_type_1 [lindex [split [lindex $fields 8] $sub_sep] 0]


               (“foreach” body line 4)

               invoked from within

            “foreach seg $msg {

                     set fields [split $seg |]

                         set type [csubstr $seg 0 3]

                         switch -exact — $type {


               (“run” arm line 33)

               invoked from within

            “switch -exact — $mode {

                   start {

                       # Perform special init functions

                     # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


               (procedure “z_fixHmsToMcKesson.1.1” line 5)

               invoked from within

            “z_fixHmsToMcKesson.1.1 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_data} {ARGS {{HMSID 018} {MCKID A} {TOSYS HCI}}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘

            in reply to: Repeating field issue in tcl #71192
            Eric Sligh

              Here is what I have so far:

              # Consulting Doc

                                  set pv1_9 [lindex $fields 9]

                                  set pv1_9_list [split [lindex $fields 9] $ssub_sep]

                                  for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $pv1_9_list] } { incr i } {

                                   set DocNumber_9_0 [lindex $pv1_9_list $i]

                                   echo $DocNumber_9_0

                                   if {$DocNumber_9_0 != “”} {

                                     set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_9_0]

                                     echo $nDocNum

                                     set replaceDocNum “”

                                     append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                     echo $replaceDocNum

                                     set pv1_9_list [lreplace $pv1_9_list $i $i $replaceDocNum]



              I have tried iterating over the subfields the same way as the repeating field above and still cannot quite get it to work. For some reason it is not allowing the x_prepenZeros proc to be called correctly.

              Here is the output for the PV1-9 field:


              Here is what the output should be:


              The doctor numbers have to be at least 8 characters in length.

              What am I missing here? Any help is appreciated.

              in reply to: Repeating field issue in tcl #71191
              Eric Sligh

                Thanks David.

                in reply to: Repeating field issue in tcl #71189
                Eric Sligh

                  So something like this first then the code I below before?

                  set pv1_9_list [split [lindex $fields 9] $rep_sep]

                  in reply to: Adding PV1-3.4 Subfield to message when it doesn’t exist #66791
                  Eric Sligh

                    We are eventually going to go back and build the variants and Xlates but for now we really don’t have the time to do it. I am going to try what you suggested and see if I can’t get it to work.

                    in reply to: Adding PV1-3.4 Subfield to message when it doesn’t exist #66789
                    Eric Sligh

                      It is still not populating that subfield. Any other ideas?

                      in reply to: Adding PV1-3.4 Subfield to message when it doesn’t exist #66787
                      Eric Sligh

                        I did and it still will not populate the field in the message.

                        in reply to: Adding PV1-3.4 Subfield to message when it doesn’t exist #66785
                        Eric Sligh

                          since we are building Variants and Xlates. We inherited this when we came in a couple months ago.

                          in reply to: Adding PV1-3.4 Subfield to message when it doesn’t exist #66783
                          Eric Sligh


                            # Name: z_fixHmsToMcKesson.0.1.tcl


                            # Purpose:





                            # UPoC type: tps

                            # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:

                            #       MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)

                            #       MSGID   message handle

                            #       ARGS    user-supplied arguments:

                            #         Example: {HMSID 000} {MCKID A} {TOSYS HPF}

                            #                    hmsId       mckId   toSys

                            #            cannot be: {{HMSID 000} {MCKID A} {TOSYS HPF}}


                            # Returns: tps disposition list:


                            # McH Procs included here:

                            #    tps_chs_hmsdftadjust.tcl

                            #    tps_chs_hmshciadjust.tcl

                            #      Purpose: 1. Change from ZEM to ZPI.

                            #            2. Copy PV1-16 to PV2-21.

                            #             #Will need to reorder NK1 to be before PV1 for HCI.

                            #              This was not done in this proc.

                            #   tps_chs_hmshlabadjust.tcl

                            #      Purpose: 1. reformatting PID-10 (Race code), PID-15 (Language), PID-17 (Religion).

                            #   tps_chs_hmshmmadjust.tcl

                            #      Purpose: 1. reformatting PID-10 (Race code), PID-15 (Language), PID-17 (Religion).

                            #   tps_chs_hmihomadjust.tcl

                            #      Purpose: These coding are based on HRM-HOM implement doc Rev9.

                            #          1. OBR4 modification and rev9 – Re-format OBR-4.1 and OBR-4.3.

                            #          Requires: chs_hrmhom_icd9.tbl


                            proc z_fixHmsToMcKesson.0.1 { args } {

                               keylget args MODE mode

                               set dispList {}

                               switch -exact — $mode {

                                   start {

                                       # Perform special init functions

                                     # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                                   run {

                                      # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                                      keylget args MSGID mh

                                      keylget args ARGS USERARGS

                                      keylget args ARGS.HMSID hmsId

                                      keylget args ARGS.MCKID mckId

                                      keylget args ARGS.TOSYS toSys

                                      set msg [msgget $mh]

                                      set field_sep [csubstr $msg 3 1]

                                      set sub_sep [csubstr $msg 4 1]

                                      set ssub_sep [csubstr $msg 5 1]

                                  set msg [split $msg r]

                                  set today [exec date]

                                  set tempvar “”

                                  set tempObr “”

                                  set tempOrc “”

                                  set resetNk1 0

                                  set resetObr 0

                                  set resetOrc 0

                                  set pv1_2 “”

                                  set pv1_8 “”

                                  set pv1_9 “”

                                  set pv1_10 “”

                                  set pv1_16 “”

                                  set pv1_17 “”

                                  set pv1_18 “”

                                  set pv1_19 “”

                                  set pv1_44 “”

                                  set pv1_45 “”




                                      foreach seg $msg {

                                     set fields [split $seg |]

                                         set type [csubstr $seg 0 3]

                                         switch -exact — $type {

                                            MSH {

                                               set msg_type_1 [lindex [split [lindex $fields 8] $sub_sep] 0]

                                               set msg_type_2 [lindex [split [lindex $fields 8] $sub_sep] 1]

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $mckId]}

                                               if {$toSys == “PACS”} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 4 4 $hmsId]}

                                               } else {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 4 4 $toSys]}


                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 5 5 $mckId]}

                                               if {($toSys == “HLAB”) && ($msg_type_2 == “A35”)} {

                                                  # change MSH-8 from A35 to A41.

                                              catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 8 8 “ADT^A41”]}


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            EVN {

                                               if {($toSys == “HLAB”) && ($msg_type_2 == “A35”)} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 “A41”]}


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PID {

                                               set pid10 [lindex $fields 10]

                                               set pid15 [lindex $fields 15]

                                               set msh3 $hmsId

                                               set npid3 “”

                                           set pid3 [lindex $fields 3]

                                           append npid3 $pid3 $sub_sep $sub_sep $sub_sep “HMS” $msh3 $sub_sep “MR”

                                           catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $npid3]}

                                           if {$toSys == “HMM”} {

                                              # PID 10 table lookup

                                             if {$pid10 != “”} {

                                                     set val1 “”

                                                     set val1 [tbllookup -side input hmshmm_race $pid10]

                                                     if {![cequal $val1 “”]} {

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 10 10 $val1]}



                                                  #    extract PID-15 (Language code).

                                                  if {$pid15 != “”} {

                                                     set val2 “”

                                                     set val2 [tbllookup -side input hmshmm_lang $pid15]

                                                     if {![cequal $val2 “”]} {

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 15 15 $val2]}




                                           # SSN formatting.

                                           set pid19 [lindex $fields 19]

                                           if {$pid19 != “”} {

                                              if {[string length $pid19] > 9} {

                                               set nssn “”

                                               set pid19_1 [csubstr $pid19 0 3]

                                               set pid19_2 [csubstr $pid19 3 2]

                                               set pid19_3 [csubstr $pid19 5 4]


                                               if {($pid19 == “888-88-8888”) || ($pid19 == “999-99-9999”)} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 19 19 “”]}

                                               } else {

                                                  append nssn $pid19_1 “-” $pid19_2 “-” $pid19_3

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 19 19 $nssn]}




                                           # blank out PID-18 for ONLY A34.

                                           if {$msg_type_2 == “A34”} {

                                            catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 18 18 “”]}


                                           set pid23 [lindex $fields 23]

                                         set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PD1 {

                                               #set pd1_4 [lindex $fields 4]

                                               set pd1_4_list [split [lindex $fields 4] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_4_0 [lindex $pd1_4_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_4_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_4_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pd1_4 [join [lreplace $pd1_4_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 4 4 $pv1_8]


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PV1 {

                                               # Patient Class

                                               set pv1_2 [lindex $fields 2]

                                               # Assigned patient location

                                               # .1 Nurse .2 Station/Point of care, .3 Room, .4 Bed,

                                               # .5 facility, .6 location status, .7person location type,

                                               # .8 building, .9 floor, .10 location description

                                               set pv1_3 [lindex $fields 3]

                                               set bed [lindex [split $pv1_3 $sub_sep] 2]

                                               # Attending Doc

                                               set pv1_7_list [split [lindex $fields 7] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_7_0 [lindex $pv1_7_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_7_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_7_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pv1_7 [join [lreplace $pv1_7_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 7 7 $pv1_7]


                                               # Referring Doc

                                               #set pv1_8 [lindex $fields 8]

                                               set pv1_8_list [split [lindex $fields 8] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_8_0 [lindex $pv1_8_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_8_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_8_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pv1_8 [join [lreplace $pv1_8_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 8 8 $pv1_8]


                                               # Consultinging Doc

                                               #set pv1_9 [lindex $fields 9]

                                               set pv1_9_list [split [lindex $fields 9] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_9_0 [lindex $pv1_9_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_9_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_9_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pv1_9 [join [lreplace $pv1_9_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 9 9 $pv1_9]


                                               set pv1_10 [lindex $fields 10]

                                               # re-formatting PV1-3.

                                         if {($pv1_3 == $pv1_10) && ($pv1_2 == “O”)} {

                                          set pv1_3 “”

                                          append pv1_3 “OP”

                                          catch {set fieldList [lreplace $fieldList 3 3 $pv1_3]}


                                               set pv1_16 [lindex $fields 16]

                                               # Admitting Doc

                                               #set pv1_17 [lindex $fields 17]

                                               set pv1_17_list [split [lindex $fields 17] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_17_0 [lindex $pv1_17_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_17_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_17_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pv1_17 [join [lreplace $pv1_17_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 17 17 $pv1_17]


                                               set pv1_18 [lindex $fields 18]

                                               # Visit Number

                                               set pv1_19 [lindex $fields 19]

                                               set pv1_45 [lindex $fields 45]

                                         # Added code on 8/7/2008 to account for LAB and LAR in PV1-10.

                                     if {$toSys == “HLAB”} {

                                        if {$pid23 != “” && $pv1_10 == “LFR”} {

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $pid23]}

                                            } elseif {$pid23 != “” && $pv1_10 == “LAB”} {

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $pid23]}

                                           } elseif {$pid23 != “” && $pv1_10 == “LAR”} {

                                              catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $pid23]}

                                            } elseif {$pid23 != “” && $pv1_10 == “IND”} {

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 3 3 $pid23]}



                                         if {($toSys == “HCI”) && ($pv1_2 == “O”)} {

                                                  if {$pv1_18 != “E”} {

                                                     catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 18 18 $pv1_10]}



                                               if {($toSys == “HCI”) && ([cequal $pv1_2 “I”] || [cequal $pv1_10 “EOP”])} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 18 18 $pv1_10]}


                                               ###########  HMM

                                               if {$toSys == “HMM”} {

                                                  set it [tbllookup hmshmm_hospService $pv1_10]

                                                  if {$pv1_45 != “” && $msg_type_2 == “A08” && $bed == “” && $pv1_2 == “O” && $pv1_18 == “E” && $it == 0} {

                                                     catch {set fieldList [lreplace $fieldList 45 45 “”]}


                                                  # code below is added on June 2, 2008.

                                                  catch {set fieldList [lreplace $fieldList 18 18 $pv1_10]}


                                                  # code below is added on June 19, 2008. RQ by Jawad.

                                                  if {$msg_type_2 == “A05”} {

                                                     catch {set fieldList [lreplace $fieldList 44 44 $pv2_8]}




                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                               append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PV2 {

                                               set pv2_8 [lindex $fields 8]

                                               if {$msg_type_2 == “A11”} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 8 8 “”””]}


                                               if {($toSys == “HCI”) && ($pv1_16 != “”)} {

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 21 21 $pv1_16]}


                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 18 18 $pv1_10]}

                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                               append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            NK1 {

                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                               if {$toSys == “HCI”} {

                                                  set resetNk1 1

                                                  append tempvar ${segment}r

                                               } else {

                                                  append newMsg ${segment}r



                                            ORC {

                                               # Ordering Doc

                                               set orc_12_list [split [lindex $fields 12] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_12_0 [lindex $orc_12_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_12_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_12_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set orc_12 [join [lreplace $orc_12_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 12 12 $orc_12]


                                               #To go back and change  ORC.2 to Unique ID

                                               if {($toSys == “HCI”) && ([regexp $msg_type_1 “ORU|ORM|BAR”])} {

                                                  set resetOrc 1


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            OBR {

                                               set obr2 [lindex $fields 2]

                                           # Remove trailing sub seperator in OBR.2

                                           set obr2 [lindex $fields 2]

                                           catch {set obr2 [string trimright $obr2 $sub_sep]}

                                           catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 2 2 $obr2]}


                                           if {$toSys == “HOM”} {

                                             set obr4 [lindex $fields 4]

                                              set obr4_1 [lindex [split $obr4 ^] 0]

                                              set obr4_3 [lindex [split $obr4 ^] 2]

                                              if {$obr4_1 != “”} {

                                                 set obr4_x [csubstr $obr4_1 0 3]

                                                 set retval [tbllookup chs_hrmhom_icd9.tbl $obr4_x]

                                                 catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 2 2 $retval]}




                                           # Ordering Doc

                                               set obr_16_list [split [lindex $fields 16] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_16_0 [lindex $obr_16_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_16_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_16_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set obr_16 [join [lreplace $obr_16_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 16 16 $obr_16]


                                               # Unique Id for HCI from OBR.20

                                               # To go into OBR.2 and ORC.2

                                           set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                           if {($toSys == “HCI”) && ([regexp $msg_type_1 “ORU|ORM|BAR”])} {

                                              set obr_20 [lindex $fields 20]

                                              catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 2 2 $obr_20]}


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                               append newMsg ${segment}r


                                        OBX {

                                           set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                           append newMsg ${segment}r


                                        ACC {

                                           set acc_1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                           if {$acc_1 != “”} {

                                              set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                              append newMsg ${segment}r



                                        GT1 {

                                           set gt1_12 [lindex $fields 12]

                                           if {[string length $gt1_12] == 9} {

                                            set ngt1_12 “”

                                            set gt1_12_1 [csubstr $gt1_12 0 3]

                                            set gt1_12_2 [csubstr $gt1_12 3 2]

                                            set gt1_12_3 [csubstr $gt1_12 5 4]


                                            append ngt1_12 $gt1_12_1 “-” $gt1_12_2 “-” $gt1_12_3

                                            catch {set fieldList [lreplace $fields 12 12 $ngt1_12]}


                                           set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                           append newMsg ${segment}r


                                        FT1 {

                                           if {$msg_type_1 == “DFT”} {

                                              set ft1_10 [lindex $fields 10]

                                              # Don’t do anything if FT1-10 is less then 999.

                                              if {$ft1_10 > 999} {

                                                 # determine the number of FT1 segments that need to be created.

                                                     set tempvar “”

                                                     set i 1

                                                     set ncnt [expr $ft1_10 / 999]

                                                     set remainder [expr $ft1_10 % 999]

                                                     while {$i <= $ncnt} {

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 10 10 “999”]}

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $i]}

                                                        set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                                        append newMsg ${segment}r

                                                        incr i


                                                     # NOW create the FT1-segment with the remainder value.

                                                     if {$remainder != 0} {

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 10 10 $remainder]}

                                                        catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $i]}

                                                        set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                                        append newMsg ${segment}r





                                            MFE {

                                               #set mfe_4 [lindex $fields 4]

                                               set mfe_4_list [split [lindex $fields 4] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_4_0 [lindex $mfe_4_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_4_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_4_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set mfe_4 [join [lreplace $mfe_4_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 4 4 $mfe_4]


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PR1 {

                                               #set pr1_11 [lindex $fields 11]

                                               set pr1_11_list [split [lindex $fields 11] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_11_0 [lindex $pr1_11_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_11_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_11_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pr1_11 [join [lreplace $pr1_11_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 11 11 $pr1_11]


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            PRA {

                                               #set pra_1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                               set pra_1_list [split [lindex $fields 1] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_1_0 [lindex $pra_1_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_1_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_1_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set pra_1 [join [lreplace $pra_1_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $pra_1]


                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            STF {

                                               #set stf_1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                               set stf_1_list [split [lindex $fields 1] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_1_0 [lindex $stf_1_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_1_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_1_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set stf_1 [join [lreplace $stf_1_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $stf_1]


                                               #set stf_2 [lindex $fields 2]

                                               set stf_2_list [split [lindex $fields 2] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_2_0 [lindex $stf_2_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_2_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_2_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set stf_2 [join [lreplace $stf_2_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 2 2 $stf_2]


                                               if {$msg_type_1 == “MFN”} {

                                                  set stf10 [lindex $fields 10]

                                                  set stf10_list [split $stf10 $ssub_sep]

                                                  if {$stf10 != “”} {

                                                     set nval “”

                                                     set wpn “”

                                                     set orn “”

                                                     set bpn “”

                                                     set prn “”


                                                     foreach x $stf10_list {

                                                        if {$x != “”} {

                                                        set x_list [split $x $sub_sep]

                                                        set x_1 [lindex $x_list 0]

                                                        set x_2 [lindex $x_list 1]

                                                        set x_3 [lindex $x_list 2]

                                                        if {$x_2 == “WPN”} {

                                                           append wpn $x_1 “CO”


                                                        if {$x_2 == “ORN”} {

                                                           append orn $x_1 “CF”


                                                        if {$x_2 == “BPN”} {

                                                           append bpn $x_1 “CB”


                                                        if {$x_2 == “PRN”} {

                                                           append prn $x_1 “CH”




                                                  append nval $wpn $ssub_sep $orn $ssub_sep $bpn $ssub_sep $prn

                                                  catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 10 10 $nval]}



                                               set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            MRG {

                                               set mrg1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                               append nmrg1 $mrg1 $sub_sep $sub_sep $sub_sep “HMS” $msh3 $sub_sep

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $nmrg1]}

                                               if {$msg_type_2 == “A35”} {

                                          catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $npid3]}


                                         set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                            ZEM {

                                           #set fields [split $segment $field_sep]

                                           set zem1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                           set zem1_1 “”

                                           if {$zem1 != “”} {

                                            set zem_1_1 [lindex [split $zem1 $sub_sep] 1]

                                              set zem2 [lindex [split $zem1 $sub_sep] 2]

                                              set segment “ZPI|1||||||||||||||$zem1_1|$zem2|”

                                              append newMsg ${segment}r



                                        ZIT {

                                           if {$toSys == “HSM”} {

                                              set zit18 [lindex $fields 18]

                                              if {$zit18 != “”} {

                                               set retval [tbllookup -side input chs_hmshsm.tbl $zit18]

                                               catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 33 33 $retval]}



                                           set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                         append newMsg ${segment}r


                                        ZMF {

                                           #set zmf_1 [lindex $fields 1]

                                           set zmf_1_list [split [lindex $fields 1] $sub_sep]

                                               set DocNumber_1_0 [lindex $zmf_1_list 0]

                                               if {$DocNumber_1_0 != “”} {

                                                  set nDocNum [x_prepenZeros 5 $DocNumber_1_0]

                                                  set replaceDocNum “”

                                                  append replaceDocNum $hmsId $nDocNum

                                                  set zmf_1 [join [lreplace $zmf_1_list 0 0 $replaceDocNum] $sub_sep]

                                                  set fields [lreplace $fields 1 1 $zmf_1]



                                        default {

                                               if {$seg != “”} {

                                                  puts “Untouched Segment: [lindex $fields 0]”

                                                  set segment [join $fields $field_sep]

                                            append newMsg ${segment}r





                                      # If NK1 present and toSys is HCI; place NK1 prior to PV1

                                      if {$resetNk1 == “1”} {

                                         set msg [split $newMsg r]

                                         set newMsg “”

                                         foreach seg $msg {

                                            set type [csubstr $seg 0 3]

                                            switch -exact — $type {

                                               PV1 {

                                                 append newMsg ${tempvar}

                                                 append newMsg ${seg}r


                                               default {

                                                 append newMsg ${seg}r






                                      #To go back and change  ORC.2 to Unique ID

                                      # if $resetOrc == 1

                                      if {$resetOrc == “1”} {

                                         set msg [split $newMsg r]

                                         set newMsg “”

                                         foreach seg $msg {

                                            set type [csubstr $seg 0 3]

                                            switch -exact — $type {

                                               ORC {

                                                 catch {set fields [lreplace $fields 2 2 $obr_20]}

                                                 append newMsg ${seg}r


                                               default {

                                                 append newMsg ${seg}r







                                      msgset $mh $newMsg

                                      lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


                                   time {

                                      # Timer-based processing

                                      # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                                   shutdown {

                                      # Doing some clean-up work



                               return $dispList


                            in reply to: Tcl Question #64857
                            Eric Sligh

                              Would that work like this:

                              {PASSCOND ~REGEX@NULL} {SEGNAME PV1} {FIELDNUM 1} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}


                              {PASSCOND ~@NULL} {SEGNAME PV1} {FIELDNUM 1} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}

                              in reply to: Hardware and OS Level Requirements for 5.6 #66325
                              Eric Sligh

                                I appreciate the help on this.

                                in reply to: What department is your Cloverleaf position in? #65370
                                Eric Sligh

                                  Ours in in our IS department but we do not have a CIS department. I am the only engine person at our hospital. That is not always a good thing.

                                Viewing 15 replies – 1 through 15 (of 17 total)