Jim, I have my in_thread and my out_thread. On the in_thread I set the
trx ID format to FRL on the inbound tab. On my out_thread I set the Trx format in the inbound to to X12. That produced the error I posted. After reading your reply I changed the Trx ID format on the out_thread also to FRL and this produced the same error on test
Output going to stdout
[xlt :rout:ERR /0: UNNAMED_TID:04/17/2017 08:26:25] No routes defined for TrxId ”
I am not able to remove the Trx ID from the out_thread to have it be blank and try that.
When I compare my network config to other interfaces built onsite, I thought I understood that the Trx id format on the out_thread needed to be defined as the format after going through translation. Can you clarify what my goal should be on this?