Elizabeth Wilson

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  • in reply to: Converting SIU_S14 to A08 #78255
    Elizabeth Wilson

      If all you need is to convert S12 to A08 simple action in xlate should do it.

      Pathcopy MSH

      copy ADT^A08 to MSH.9

      copy A08 to EVN.1

      copy MSH.7 to EVN.2

      copy SCH.12 to EVN.5

      pathcopy PID

      Pathcopy PV1

      and whatever else you need to have in A08.

      in reply to: Process log error IF statement fetch produced multiple value #75589
      Elizabeth Wilson

        Try to deactivate one IF at the time and run the test. The last time it happened to me was when the return value in IF statement had ‘&’ in it.

        in reply to: Help with a table #75008
        Elizabeth Wilson

          You may enter the same values on the ‘Out’ side of the table, not the ‘In’ side. Ifyou marked the table as Bi-directional then both sides have to be unique.

          Why do you need a table if your intention is to:

          For each of these short names, I want to replace with “Procedure Note”.

          Wouldn’t it be easier to set up a variable ( @prnote) in xlate to ‘Procedure Note’ and copy it to the field?

          in reply to: New Year’s laugh. #73313
          Elizabeth Wilson

            remove the ‘=’ sign

            in reply to: Provider ID #65735
            Elizabeth Wilson


              You need to also define subfieldseparator:

              set sfs [cindex $msg 4]

              and then split the field 16 on sfs.

              in reply to: TCL Proc to filter messages for two conditions #63406
              Elizabeth Wilson


                I assume that: you have only one PV1 segment and multiple FT1 segments; you want to stop the msg if either case is true, not both. If it is so, try the following.

                Have the IF PV1.18 equal to @…. SUPRESS statement coded first, separately.

                Then set up ITER on FT1 segment using ‘type: field’, basis: FT1 .6 filed, variable: %f1. Do IF inside the ITER for FT1.6 equal to @…   If it’s true then do SUPRESS.

                in reply to: Help!! What is the problem?? #62527
                Elizabeth Wilson

                  To view gdbm database content: from hcitcl execute the regular GDBM commands. Keep in mind that the database must be open first, before executing any other command  and while the database is open, the tcl will not have access to it, so it is not a good idea to keep a production database open for viewing.

                  To close it:

                  hcitcl gdbm_close /pathway/dbname

                  Examples of gdbm commands:

                  gdbm_list /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db                    # lists all keys in the db

                  gdbm_store /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db  key  content   # writes into the db

                  gdbm_close /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db

                  gdbm_firstkey /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db             # reads first key in the db

                  gdbm_nextkey /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db key      # reads next key

                  gdbm_delete /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db key          # deletes a key from the db  

                  gdbm_fetch /hci/root3.8.1P/pmctest/exec/processes/prov_test_adt1/cerner.db key         # reads a specific key

                  in reply to: Iterate and then select #62449
                  Elizabeth Wilson

                    What is the reason for the table? Can’t you check @tmp for the value?

                    If your table output is different than the Input and if you do need to translate, then after you copy @tmp to 3(0).0(%g1).IN1.428 your IF should look in

                    ~3(0).0(%g1).IN1.00428, not  3(0).0(%g1).IN1.00428

                    Try that.

                    in reply to: thread name lenght #60857
                    Elizabeth Wilson

                      Look in your NetConfig and search for that SMAT file name. Does it appear more than once? For more than one thread?

                      in reply to: Replacing & in text results #61141
                      Elizabeth Wilson

                        Insert the part of this code that pertains to your needs into tps proc, change the variable to ‘+’:

                        keylget args MSGID mh

                                  set msg [msgget $mh]

                            # Set up variables to be used as a substitute for unwanted characters

                                # Epic is set to convert the variables back to its originals

                                # in OBX text lines

                                    set char1 “\E\”

                                    set char2 “\S\”

                                    set char3 “\R\”

                                    set char4 “\T\”

                                # split msg into two variables to take out &’s from

                                # message but preserve it in the encoding characters

                                  set string1 [string range $msg 0 8]

                                  set string2 [string range $msg 9 end]


                                  if { [string match *|* $string2] ||

                                       [string match *^* $string2] ||

                                       [string match ** $string2] ||

                                       [string match *\* $string2] ||

                                       [string match *&* $string2] ||

                                       [string match *~* $string2] ||

                                       [string match *””* $string2] ||

                                       [string match *”* $string2]  } {

                                       regsub -all {\} $string2 $char1 string2

                                       regsub -all {\\} $string2 {} string2            

                                       regsub -all {|} $string2 {} string2

                                       regsub -all {^} $string2 $char2 string2

                                       regsub -all {~} $string2 $char3 string2

                                       regsub -all {&} $string2 $char4 string2

                                       regsub -all {“} $string2 {} string2

                                       regsub -all {“”} $string2 {} string2

                                     # reconstruct message by joining both parts


                                       set msg $string1$string2


                        in reply to: 5.3 xlate question #61111
                        Elizabeth Wilson

                          Are you using bulkcopy or pathcopy? If so, you have repeating fields there, you need to use ITER and copy blanks to the rest of subfields. If not, then individually copy only the fields that you want.

                          in reply to: Recovery database: Unable to read msg data chain #60025
                          Elizabeth Wilson

                            You may receive this error if, after bringing down Lock Manager and Monitor Deamons, you did not search and delete the following: pid, wpid, cmd_port, from processes. Also, when Vista.taf is not removed from databases.

                            Those are the cases that we have experienced in the past.


                            in reply to: arguments for kill_msg.tcl #60604
                            Elizabeth Wilson

                              You may use tpsFilterBlankHL7Field and {SEGMENTID PV1} {FIELDID 18} as arguments

                              in reply to: thread name lenght #60841
                              Elizabeth Wilson

                                15 characters

                                in reply to: Sub-segment issue #60627
                                Elizabeth Wilson

                                  Yes, it will , as long as you are coding it under ITERATE. In that case I suggest to not using bulkcopy, rather use PATHCOPY for each segment (for OBX also under ITER)

                                  Elizabeth Wilson

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