Earl Coppedge Jr

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  • in reply to: TCL Script to remove empty IN1 or IN2 #80480
    Earl Coppedge Jr

      I use this to remove ZRV segments.

      set msg [msgget $mh]

      set segmentList [split $msg r]

      set position [lsearch -regexp $segmentList ^ZRV]

      lvarpop segmentList $position                           ;# delete segment

      set newMsg [join $segmentList r]

      msgset $mh $newMsg

      in reply to: Removing Spaces 2 #78447
      Earl Coppedge Jr

        This will make all

        in reply to: smat #77733
        Earl Coppedge Jr


          will show messages containing CITA-LIS with SC somewhere after it.

          in reply to: Is there a command to stop all processes on a site? #67087
          Earl Coppedge Jr

            This might be a little longer, but it stop inbound threads first, then outbound.  Based on how threads are named.  It also does a site clean.

            hciconnstatus | grep ib | awk ‘{print “hcicmd -p”,$1,”-c “”,$2,”pstop””}’ > $HCIROOT/data/tempthreads

            hciprocstatus | awk ‘{print $1}’|sed ‘/Process/d’ |sed ‘/

            /d’ > $HCIROOT/data/processes

            cat $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now $HCIROOT/data/tempthreads > $HCIROOT/data/tempthreads2

            cp  $HCIROOT/data/tempthreads2 $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “sleep 25” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            awk ‘{print “hcienginestop -p”,$1}’ $HCIROOT/data/processes >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “hcisitectl -K -f” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “sleep 15” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/monitorShmemFile” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases/vista.taf” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/sem_*” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “hcimsiutil -R” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “hcidbinit -i -f” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “keybuild rlog” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            echo “dchain rlog” >> $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now

            chmod 744 $HCIROOT/scripts/stop.processes.now


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