Forum Replies Created
Femina Jaffer wrote:
Can someone help me with an iteration.
It looks like they are still placing a 0D0A in between segments! I will get back with them…
Jim Kosloskey wrote:So far we have 3 for Golf on Friday:
Me, Tom Rioux, and Torfinn.
If anyone else would like to join us please let me know by Monday Aug 30th., 2010. Feel free to email me directly
I will use individual email to communicate the arrangements so as not to clutter up the forum.
If I only knew how to play…
🙂 I’m not quite sure why it works now but all I did was remove the code from the PRE-TCL window, saved the file, re-pasted it into the window, and now it works!
Max Drown wrote:I do it like this:
Code:set tmp [string trimleft [lindex $xlateOutVals 0]]; set xlateOutVals [list $tmp]
Remember that xlateInVals and xlateOutVals are lists.
That didn’t seem to work either. I’m curious if it is something else. I assume that I can rule it out because when I DEACTIVATE the COPY command, the field does not get copied. And it is empty. So when I REACTIVATE the command, the field is present.
And the leading white space is still present. This is where I put in the TCL fragment, save the xlate, and rerun it through the XLT testing tool without any success.
Thanks for all the great responses everyone. 🙂
Thanks everyone..I got it to work. =) Robert Kersemakers wrote:Hi Mike,
Good to hear that your problem is solved.
And I hadn’t noticed that you were talking about the SMAT files (msg and idx); thought you were trying to cycle the log files (log and err). So my advice concerned the log files, not the SMAT files.
Sorry for the confusion.
Is there a way within Cloverleaf to have the SMAT files automatically cycled? Thanks.
Robert Kersemakers wrote:Hi Mike,
Good to hear that your problem is solved.
And I hadn’t noticed that you were talking about the SMAT files (msg and idx); thought you were trying to cycle the log files (log and err). So my advice concerned the log files, not the SMAT files.
Sorry for the confusion.
Is there a way within Cloverleaf to have the SMAT files automatically cycled? Thanks.
Well the source of the problem was at the end of my IF statement. (pointed out by a fellow Cloverleafer 🙂 ) I had moved my begin bracket ” { ” to the next line and TCL complained.
I’ve tried testing this in the TCL mode at the command line and of course it works. But when I go back to the testing tool, I’m getting this whenever I execute the TCL proc against my LENGTH ENCODED FILE (created from SMAT): Please Wait ……
Command Issued: hcitpstest -r run -f len10 -c sms_ib_data -e “hcitpstestshowbydisp ” e:/quovadx/qdx5.4.1/integrator/okprod2/roust-rad-no.len “only_roust_admed”
Command output:
[0:TEST] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘only_roust_admed’
args = ”
result = ‘wrong # args: no script following “{[string equal $condition1 true] && [string equal ” argument’
errorInfo: ‘
wrong # args: no script following “{[string equal $condition1 true] && [string equal ” argument
while compiling
“if {[string equal $condition1 true] && [string equal $condition2 true]}”
(“run” arm line 49)
invoked from within
“switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
(procedure “only_roust_admed” line 6)
invoked from within
“only_roust_admed {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_data} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
I’m really frustrated because I believe it’s syntatically correct and I think everyone said the logic looks correct as well. Anything I might have overlooked? TIA.
Thanks for all the prompt replies everyone. I will have a go at it again today using everyone’s input and testing tips. =) Charlie Bursell wrote:Good point but it also something an individual can do.
John Hamilton wrote:The 00934 item can repeat some number of times.
When you have the (0) on the end your are telling it to work only only on the first field.
Alright, I think I have it working now. -