I guess I missed the email reply to this message. Is there a good resource on how SMAT DB works that I could reference? Tried reading the help pages, but not very helpful. For example, if I use the default SMAT DB configuration – how long will a single SMAT file save messages? If I implement the SMAT History on SMAT DB – how does that work? We used to have a SMAT cycle job that ran nightly but were told by our engineering team it’s not needed any longer.
The bottom line is, I would like to set up a configuration that uses a single SMAT file for each thread that will hold about 30 days worth of messages and then clear them out. I’m not opposed to using SMAT History, but just want to understand how it works.
SMAT Files seemed logical in it’s functionality. So far, I haven’t been able to figure out SMAT DB and am looking for whatever I can to help it make more sense. Thanks for any help!