Forum Replies Created
December 2, 2015 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Any ideas for handling inbound files with spaces in the name #62059
Having a issue with fileset:local erroring when picking up files with spaces in the name.
I have read the suggestion on upoc driver – but not sure how that can help reading a directory with files coming into that directory at anytime.
Can someone explain?
Or example of how to handle spaces in maybe a dirparse tcl
I am trying different things
nevermind I need that file intact and not added to
Your file with list of files is probably best
Ok – I see how that could work.
Was just hoping to do most of the work of getting the filename and moving it in the same proc.
If I can pass the filename AND contents together – then I could have a different inbound tps proc to parse out the filename right?
How do I add filename to contents being passed?
I just need the “names of the files only” to be passed on from my fileset local thread
I have a successful deletion tps – which moves the file as needed.
But from the output of this tps – I just need the filename string passed on to a VRL to HL7 xlate
Instead I am getting contents of the file no matter what I try.
Any help will be appreciated…
Yes MSH-10 is there but not unique – I so have different elements which I use to build the filename – but what happens to this code when this code is work on 2 or 3 different sets of building messages? Greg, like your tcl – but am not putting it in the proper place – appears to do as expetcted – but my last output is the last sized field – any hints as to what the destination side should look like? Also do you expect to be in a interate when you do this? Maybe I am missing something Very good suggestions. I am not confident the messages needed will be back to back, so I have the fileset -local setup and it is building the files as needed and I have them named so they are complete with what is needed per big message. Last thing I am trying to figure out which is probably easy – is once I see the last message with a code of E – I need to send the big message to the starting thread to process through the xlate as other normal messages do – any suggestions?
They are sending HL7 via TCPIP – and yes they are changing their code – but it will be next year before a release like that will come out. So, in the meanwhile I am writing something to handle this iin cloverleaf engine, because they cirrently have the ability to make the messages smaller chunks – but I have to put them back together in the engine. -