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For connections from Cloverleaf to Epic we’re using ClientAuth mode, TLS 1.2.
This is what the TLS settings look like on the Epic side:
Server, TLS 1.2 – Client authentication required Key type: RSA Cipher List/Suites: AES/STRONG Cert validity: 2023/10/16-2025/10/15 CN: Issued by: UW-Valley Medical Center Issuing CA2 CA validity: CN: Issued by:
For Epic to Cloverleaf we’re using Server mode, same version.
I had tried opening and closing the NetConfig within the IDE which didn’t help, but totally restarting the IDE seemed to fix it. Thanks.
Exception code 0xc0000374 is “heap corruption”. The codes are documented here. I’m not sure what could cause this.
If you’re doing an output cycle, wouldn’t you want to be removing *.log.old and *.err.old? I haven’t tested this, so this is just a guess.
I think your exec command may work, but you’re missing the “eval”.
If you want to change sites within a TCL script, you need to do something like this:
eval [exec $::env(CL_INSTALL_DIR)/integrator/sbin/hcisetenv -site tcl $site]
I was wondering what happened. Thanks for the update.
It depends on what kind of conversion you’re looking for. For example, our state department of health wants to receive HL7 in the body of an HTTPS POST request. The raw HL7 message contents are wrapped in a simple JSON object. I can send you this code if that’s what you need. If you need to translate the message field by field into JSON, then I agree with Robert.
August 19, 2024 at 11:41 am in reply to: Can Cloverleaf query Active Directory for additional data? #121564You can use the ldapsearch command on Red Hat. You may need to install the openldap-clients package. You would have to call the command through a script (TPS or XLTP).
I agree. At the very least fix the editor so it doesn’t remove indentation from source code examples that are pasted into the editor.
I’ve found a workaround for this. If you paste RTF instead of plain text then the formatting is preserved, so I just make a draft Outlook email, paste the code in there, then copy and paste from Outlook into the forum.
Also, you’re better off storing the position of the PID segment in a variable (PIDpos below) so you don’t have to assume it’s the second segment when putting it back in the message. I haven’t tested these changes at all, so there may be other issues.proc tps_epic2athg_ORUfilter { args } {global HciConnNamekeylget args MODE modeset ctx “” ; keylget args CONTEXT ctxset module “tps_res2athg_ORUfilter/$HciConnName/$ctx”set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargsset debug 0catch {keylget uargs DEBUG debug}set dispList {}set disp “KILL”switch -exact — $mode {start {}run {keylget args MSGID mhset msg [msgget $mh]set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]set subSep [string index $msg 4]set repSep [string index $msg 5]set segList [split $msg \r]set MSH [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^MSH”]# echo $MSHset MSHSplit [split $MSH $fieldSep]echo “MSHSPlit: $MSHSplit”set PIDpos [lsearch -regexp $segList “^PID”]set PID [lindex $segList $PIDpos]set PIDSplit [split $PID $fieldSep]set PV1 [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PV1”]set obrList [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^OBR”]set obrCount 0# set obr16_ID “”foreach obr $obrList {set obr25 [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 25]# if { $obrCount == 0} {# set obr16_ID [lindex [split [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 16] $subSep] 0]# set obrCount 1# }if {$obr25 == “F”} {set disp “CONTINUE”# echo $dispbreak}}# set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “”]# set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 “”]#build data to sendset thread [msgmetaget $mh DESTCONN]set dbName “db_eMFCC_PatList”set env [lindex [split $::env(HCISITE) _] 0]set mode “select”set fac [lindex $MSHSplit 3]set key [lindex [split $PV1 $fieldSep] 19]# DB call and return.set ret [sub_dataBase “thread=$thread” “dbName=$dbName” “env=$env” “mode=$mode” “fac=$fac” “key=$key”]echo “PidSplitb4: $PIDSplit”set retStatus [lindex [split $ret |] 0]set retData [lindex [split $ret |] 2]if { $retStatus != “Okay” } {set disp “KILL”} else {set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 $retData]# set retDatLen [string length $retData]# echo $retDatLen# if {$retDatLen > 0} {# set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “1215”]# } else {# set MSH6 [tbllookup epic2athG-context.tbl $obr16_ID]# echo $MSH6# echo $obr16_ID# if {$MSH6 != “UNKNOWN”} {# set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 $MSH6]# } else {# set disp “KILL”# }# }}echo “Before $segList”set segList [lreplace $segList $PIDpos $PIDpos [join $PIDSplit $fieldSep]]echo “After: $segList”set msg [join $segList \r]# echo $msgmsgset $mh $msg# echo $mhlappend dispList “$disp $mh”# echo $dispList}time {}shutdown {}default {error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in $module”}}return $dispList}This code:
set PID [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PID”]
returns a list in $PID. This code:
set PIDSplit [split $PID $fieldSep]
expects $PID to contain a string, not a list.
You might be able to able to fix this by getting rid of the -all. If you really do need to handle more than one PID segment then you would probably need to add a loop to your code to iterate over all the matched segments.
This reply was modified 7 months ago by
David Barr.
Modifying bashrc alone didn’t solve my issue. The variables were not getting picked up by the autostart process. I opened a support ticket, and this was the resolution:
R&D suggested to try to add the path in /usr/lib/systemd/system/cloverleaf-autostart.service in line 3 and 4 before “export“ like:
/usr/bin/bash -c “export PATH=yourpythonpath:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=yourpythonpath:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export …..”
Also, the home page of the forum ( is not getting updated at all. The last post times are years out of date, and the login status indicators are not accurate.
I agree. At the very least fix the editor so it doesn’t remove indentation from source code examples that are pasted into the editor.
This reply was modified 7 months ago by