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I do not know. I have been working through McKesson and actually found this setting by searching these old Clovertech archives. I do not have a direct line to Quovadx.
In my opinion I would not change something if you do not have problem.
This seems to have fixed our issue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO=1:1 in /etc/environment file
This setting seemed to fix our issue. We are still monitoring but it has been up longer without issues than any time in the past month. We have done more research on this and it is a setting that is part of AIX that goes in the /etc/environment files. It has to do with the relationship between user threads and kernel threads. The default for AIX has something like 8:1 user:kernel threads. This setting makes that 1:1.
It is set at -1 so I believe to wait forever. That does seem to be the case.
It does not seem that it should hang all the threads and process. Is this what you have seen happen?
I am not sure what to check. Is this related to the validate_hl7ack that I am using? Thank you.. Yes my other interfaces appear to be working properly and I am able to see messages in the recovery database. Usually I see one in a state 14 and the rest in a state 11 for the process that is having the issue. It is happening in multiple processes. The log files just stop. It is as if they just cut off. I will take another look at the TCL’s but I believe that they are all the same as the other interfaces (create_ack, send_ob_message and validate_ack). Also they all use the same protocol for communication.
Thank you for your input so far, let me know if you think of anything else.
I do not know which one is doing it, can you tell me what a blocking read is and where I check for it? -