Forum Replies Created
Looks like it is just from copying and pasting from the forum. I tried both ways and my message works, when I copy from the forum here I see the same errors you mention.
I’ll double check that.
That is the format that was requested. Looking at the log it seems like I am setting that (json content with utf-8) in the HEADERS but when it actually transfers it is showing application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
PUT /HL7/v1/adt/update HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Quovadx CISAgent
Accept: */*
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 159
Expect: 100-continueI am thinking this response means they are expecting json with UTF-8 but are getting something different. Unless I am reading that log incorrectly.
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
[http:read:DBUG/3:sc08angleye_o:05/29/2024 15:57:34] Got response code: 100 from HTTP server
[http:wrte:DBUG/3:sc08angleye_o:05/29/2024 15:57:34] httpPUT/POST: send 159 bytes to server
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
< Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 20:57:34 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
[http:read:DBUG/3:sc08angleye_o:05/29/2024 15:57:34] Got Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: closeHere is the entire code I am using, and it is the exec that I am having an issue with. When I thought they wanted just the base64 document I didn’t have the exec, only had
# Create the output file.
set filemsg $documentputs $output_fh $filemsg
close $output_fhHere is the full code below:
proc tpsBooneCDRQryPDF {args} {
global HciSite HciSiteDir HciConnName ibdir
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
keylget args ARGS pattern ;# get the pattern for the file name
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to returnswitch -exact — $mode {
start {
puts “Start Mode : tpsBooneCDRQryPDF”
return { }
run {
keylget args MSGID mh ;# get the message handle
set fileList [msgget $mh]
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”foreach file $fileList {
set inputFile “$ibdir/$file”
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]puts “Opening input file read only………”
set previousEID 0
set inputFh [open $inputFile r]
fconfigure $inputFh -buffering line
set recordCount 0
puts “Starting processing of input file…..”
while { [gets $inputFh msg] >= 0 } {
set msg [string trim $msg]
set upi [lindex [split $msg “|”] 0]
set repositoryId [lindex [split $msg “|”] 1]
set type [lindex [split $msg “|”] 2]
set key [lindex [split $msg “|”] 3]
set fac [lindex [split $msg “|”] 4]
set mrn [lindex [split $msg “|”] 5]
set vistnum [lindex [split $msg “|”] 6]
set sex [lindex [split $msg “|”] 10]
set dob [lindex [split $msg “|”] 11]
set filename [lindex [split $msg “|”] 12]
set doctype [lindex [split $msg “|”] 16]
set creationdate [lindex [split $msg “|”] 17]
set activitydate [lindex [split $msg “|”] 18]
set visitdate [lindex [split $msg “|”] 20]
set controlIDbase $keyincr recordCount
puts “…. logging for UPI $upi repositoryID: rec count: $recordCount – $repositoryId key: $key starts here ……..Inbound record is : $msg”set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]
#set outputfilename “scimage.output.$key.$recordCount.$timestamp.txt”
set outputfilename “$key.$visitdate.$type”
set outputDir “/hci/quovadx/cis6.1/integrator/testbl/iig/files/booneLoad/outputPDF”
# set outputDir “/data/xfer/ftp/sitebl/boone/test”set outputFile “$outputDir/$outputfilename”
catch {exec rm -f $outputFile} catch_return
if {[catch {set output_fh [open $outputFile {WRONLY CREAT}]} err]} {
puts ” Failure to open $outputFile for write”
puts ” Error is $err”
}set errorfilename “BooneCDR.error.$recordCount.$timestamp.txt”
set errorDir “/hci/quovadx/cis6.1/integrator/testbl/iig/files/booneLoad/error”
set errorFile “$errorDir/$errorfilename”catch {exec rm -f $errorFile} catch_return
if {[catch {set error_fh [open $errorFile {WRONLY CREAT}]} err]} {
puts ” Failure to open $errorFile for write”
puts ” Error is $err”
set errorcnt 0
set errorfound 0# using a holdMRN in case Soarian is not found on old results. We will use this variable later.
set holdMRN “”
set holdMRNlength [string length $holdMRN]set date1 [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set time1 [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]# fill upi with leading zeros to 24 positions
set zeroMask “000000000000000000000000”
set upi [string range [cconcat $zeroMask $upi] end-23 end]
set upiDisplay [string trimleft $upi 0]
set fatalErrorMsg {}
set retryctr 0package require TclCurl
######## PatientSearchService query #############################################################################################
#puts “—————————————————————————–”
puts ” — begin query # 1 getPatientsDemographicsBySummary for upi $upiDisplay –”
#puts ” ”# set up first web service call xml to retreive the patient demographics for this UPI
set soapEnv “<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Envelope ”
append soapEnv “xmlns:soapenv=\”\” xmlns:urn=\”\”>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Header/>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Body>”
append soapEnv “<urn:getPatientsDemographicsBySummary>”
append soapEnv “<urn:UPI>$upi</urn:UPI>”
append soapEnv “</urn:getPatientsDemographicsBySummary>”
append soapEnv “</soapenv:Body>”
append soapEnv “</soapenv:Envelope>”set soapEnv [string trim $soapEnv]
puts “SOAP REQUEST : $soapEnv”
if {[file exists “/hci/bin/monitor/productionserver”]} {
set WSserver “”
} else {
set WSserver “”
set WSserver “”
set WSserver “”
## Setup and make call to the ClinDesk Web Services Server
## This call should return patient demo data which will be saved in
## a list variable to be used later
##————————————————————————set httpHeaders “”
set httpBody “”
set response “”
lappend httpHeaders “Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8”# issue web service call to get document keys list
set datea [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set timea [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]set gooddemoread 0
set lastname “”
set firstname “”
set middlename “”
set sex “”
set dob “”catch { curl::transfer -url $WSserver \
-httpheader $httpHeaders \
-postfields $soapEnv \
-timeout 20 \
-verbose 0 \
-ipresolve v4 \
-sslverifypeer 0 \
-bodyvar httpBody } responseset dateb [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set timeb [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]
set time_diff [expr [clock scan “$dateb $timeb”] – [clock scan “$datea $timea”]]
puts “[whereAmI] Elapsed Time – Patient Demo fetch: $time_diff”##————————————————————————
## Check curl response for error if none check http body for error.
## If none echo error and exit.
#puts “**** WEBSERVICE getPatientsDemographicsBySummary RESPONSE : HTTP: $httpBody”
puts “**** WEBSERVICE getPatientsDemographicsBySummary RESPONSE : SOAP: $response”set errorInformation {}
if { $response == 7 } {
puts “ERROR: Could not connect to Web Services for Demographics read. Server may be down.”
set fatalErrorMsg “Could not connect to Web Services during Demographics read. Server may be down.”
} else {
if { $response == 28 } {
puts “ERROR: Connection to server timeout during Demographics read.”
set fatalErrorMsg “Connection to server timeout during Demographics read.”
} else {
if { $response != 0} {
## curl error code can be found here:
##————————————————————puts “ERROR: An unidentified error occured error code: $response”
set fatalErrorMsg “An unidentified error occured error code during Demographics read: $response”
} else {
set errorInformation {}
## Checks for errors with the web server. Puts error to the
## log file.
## Even if the response was 0, there could be an error.
## If the returned httpBody does not begin with the soap envelope tag,
## there was an error, attempt to get the text of the error from <title>.if {[cequal [string first “<S:Envelope” $httpBody] -1]} {
set response 101
set errorInformation {}
lappend errorInformation {Error condition not read}
lappend errorInformation {Error message text not read}
if {![cequal [string first “<title>” $httpBody] -1]} {
set t1 [string first “<title>” $httpBody]
set t2 [string first “</title>” $httpBody]
incr t1 7
incr t2 -1
set text [string range $httpBody $t1 $t2]
set errorInformation [lreplace $errorInformation 0 0 “$text”]
if {![cequal [string first “<p>” $httpBody] -1]} {
set p1 [string first “<p>” $httpBody]
set p2 [string first “</p>” $httpBody]
incr p1 3
incr p2 -1
set text [string range $httpBody $p1 $p2]
set errorInformation [lreplace $errorInformation 1 1 “$text”]
puts “[lindex $errorInformation 0] : [lindex $errorInformation 1]”
} else {
# If we made it to here – assuming it was a good response
# First pull out the xml from the soap body so we can use GRM on the xml to
# read the data.
set index1 [string first “<S:Body” $httpBody]
set index2 [string first “</S:Body>” $httpBody]
set xmlmsg [string range $httpBody [expr $index1 +8] [expr $index2 – 1] ]
if {[string first “<patientName>” $xmlmsg] < 0} {
puts “NO PATIENT DEMO DATA RETURNED – no need to go further”
set fatalErrorMsg ” NO PATIENT DEMO DATA RETURNED for Demographics read.”
set datHandleList [datlist]
foreach handle $datHandleList {
datdestroy $handle
}set grmHandleList [grmlist]
foreach handle $grmHandleList {
grmdestroy $handle
} else {
set gooddemoread 1
}if {$gooddemoread} {
# create a temporary message handle for grmfetch
set tmpmh [msgcreate data]
msgset $tmpmh $xmlmsg# read/fetch in the data into the cloverleaf xml format
set ghIn [grmcreate -msg $tmpmh xml patdemoquery urn\$\$getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse]# while something to fetch in….get patient demographic data
set lastname “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse.nm1:patient(0).nm1:patientDemographics.nm1:patientName.nm1:last.#text]
set lastname [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]
set firstname “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse.nm1:patient(0).nm1:patientDemographics.nm1:patientName.nm1:first.#text]
set firstname [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]set middlename “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse.nm1:patient(0).nm1:patientDemographics.nm1:patientName.nm1:middle.#text]
set middlename [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]if {![string equal $middlename “”]} {
set middleinit [string range $middlename 0 0]
set patientname [cconcat $lastname \^ $firstname \^ $middleinit ]
} else {
set patientname [cconcat $lastname \^ $firstname ]
}set dob “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse.nm1:patient(0).nm1:patientDemographics.nm1:DOB.#text]
set dob [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]if {![string equal $dob “”]} {
set dobccyy [string range $dob 0 3]
set dobmm [string range $dob 5 6]
set dobdd [string range $dob 8 9]
set dob [cconcat $dobccyy$dobmm$dobdd]
}set sex “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getPatientsDemographicsBySummaryResponse.nm1:patient(0).nm1:patientDemographics.nm1:sex.nm1:longDisplayValue.#text]
set sex [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]if {![string equal $sex “”]} {
set sex [string range $sex 0 0]
}# destroy any handles we dont need anymore
msgdestroy $tmpmh
grmdestroy $ghInset datHandleList [datlist]
foreach handle $datHandleList {
datdestroy $handle
}set grmHandleList [grmlist]
foreach handle $grmHandleList {
grmdestroy $handle
if {![string equal $errorInformation “”]} {
puts “Error Info: $errorInformation”
}if {![string equal $fatalErrorMsg “”]} {
puts $error_fh “$msg had a FATAL ERROR IN WEB SERVICE CALL. ERROR WAS $fatalErrorMsg”
set errorfound 1
incr errorcnt
close $error_fh
close $output_fh
catch {exec rm -f $outputFile} catch_return
} else {############ DocumentService query #################################################################################################
puts “found: $firstname $lastname $dob $sex”
puts “lookup: $upi – $repositoryId – $key”
puts “—————————————————————————–”
puts ” — begin query # 2 DocumentService for upi $upiDisplay –”
puts ” ”#————————————————————————
# Now we process the list of document keys found in the first WS call
#————————————————————————set errorInformation {}
set outputMsgCtr 0
# set up the web service call to get the document associated with the current key.
set soapEnv “<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Envelope ”
append soapEnv “xmlns:soapenv=\”\” xmlns:urn=\”\”>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Header/>”
append soapEnv “<soapenv:Body>”
append soapEnv “<urn:getDocument>”
append soapEnv “<urn:repositoryKey>$key</urn:repositoryKey>”
append soapEnv “<urn:repID>$repositoryId</urn:repID>”
append soapEnv “<urn:thumbnails>false</urn:thumbnails>”
append soapEnv “<urn:converted>false</urn:converted>”
append soapEnv “<!–Optional:–>”
append soapEnv “<urn:patient>”
append soapEnv “<urn:UPI>$upi</urn:UPI>”
append soapEnv “</urn:patient>”
append soapEnv “<urn:headerOnly>false</urn:headerOnly>”
append soapEnv “<urn:linkData>false</urn:linkData>”
append soapEnv “</urn:getDocument>”
append soapEnv “</soapenv:Body>”
append soapEnv “</soapenv:Envelope>”set soapEnv [string trim $soapEnv]
if {[file exists “/hci/bin/monitor/productionserver”]} {
set WSserver “”
} else {
set WSserver “”
set WSserver “”
set WSserver “”
}set httpHeaders “”
set httpBody “”
set response “”
lappend httpHeaders “Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8”
lappend httpHeaders “SoapAction: submitOrder”set datea [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set timea [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]
# issue web service call to get document for the key
catch { curl::transfer -url $WSserver \
-httpheader $httpHeaders \
-postfields $soapEnv \
-timeout 20 \
-verbose 0 \
-ipresolve v4 \
-sslverifypeer 0 \
-bodyvar httpBody } responseset dateb [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set timeb [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]
set time_diff [expr [clock scan “$dateb $timeb”] – [clock scan “$datea $timea”]]
puts “[whereAmI] Elapsed Time – document key fetch: $time_diff : $repositoryId | $key ”##————————————————————————
## Check curl response for error if none check http body for error.
## If none echo error and exit.
#puts “**** WEBSERVICE DocumentService RESPONSE : HTTP: $httpBody”
if { $response != 0 } {
puts “**** WEBSERVICE DocumentService RESPONSE : SOAP: $response – $key : $repositoryId ”
puts “—————————————————————————–”
puts ” ”set errorInformation {}
if { $response == 7 } {
puts “ERROR: Could not connect to Web Services. Server may be down.”
set fatalErrorMsg “Could not connect to Web Services. Server may be down for document retreival.”
} else {
if { $response == 28 } {
puts “ERROR: Connection to server timeout.”
set fatalErrorMsg “Connection to server timeout in document retreival.”
} else {
if { $response != 0} {
## curl error code can be found here:
##————————————————————puts “ERROR: An unidentified response of $response while fetching $repositoryId – $key ”
set fatalErrorMsg “An unidentified error occured error code: $response – in document retreival.”
} else {
set errorInformation {}
## Checks for errors with the web server. Puts error to the
## log file.
## Even if the response was 0, there could be an error.
## If the returned httpBody does not begin with the soap envelope tag,
## there was an error, attempt to get the text of the error from <title>.if {[cequal [string first “<S:Envelope” $httpBody] -1]} {
set response 101
set errorInformation {}
lappend errorInformation {Error condition not read}
lappend errorInformation {Error message text not read}
if {![cequal [string first “<title>” $httpBody] -1]} {
set t1 [string first “<title>” $httpBody]
set t2 [string first “</title>” $httpBody]
incr t1 7
incr t2 -1
set text [string range $httpBody $t1 $t2]
set errorInformation [lreplace $errorInformation 0 0 “$text”]
if {![cequal [string first “<p>” $httpBody] -1]} {
set p1 [string first “<p>” $httpBody]
set p2 [string first “</p>” $httpBody]
incr p1 3
incr p2 -1
set text [string range $httpBody $p1 $p2]
set errorInformation [lreplace $errorInformation 1 1 “$text”]
puts “[lindex $errorInformation 0] : [lindex $errorInformation 1]”
}# Now parse out the returned xml
set index1 [string first “<S:Body” $httpBody]
set index2 [string first “</S:Body>” $httpBody]
set xmlmsg [string range $httpBody [expr $index1 +8] [expr $index2 – 1] ]if {[string first “<document>” $xmlmsg] < 0} {
puts “document key $key did not return a document to process…skipping this key”
}# replace all the carriage returns with \.br\ so cloverleaf can read it without error
regsub -all {&\#xD\;} $xmlmsg {\\.br\\} xmlmsg
set tmpmh [msgcreate data]
msgset $tmpmh $xmlmsg# process the xml here
set ghIn [grmcreate -msg $tmpmh xml radquery urn\$\$getDocumentResponse]set document “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getDocumentResponse.nm1:document(0).nm1:eDocument.0(0).nm1:part(0).0(0).nm1:partContent.#text]
set document [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]set status “”
set valPointer [grmfetch $ghIn nm1:getDocumentResponse.nm1:document(0).nm1:eDocument.nm1:status.nm1:longDisplayValue.#text]
set status [string trim [datget $valPointer VALUE] \”]# destroy and left over handles
msgdestroy $tmpmh
grmdestroy $ghIn
set datHandleList [datlist]
foreach handle $datHandleList {
datdestroy $handle
}set grmHandleList [grmlist]
foreach handle $grmHandleList {
grmdestroy $handle
}# create the message with the document
set mhNew {}
set filemsg {}
set messageTs [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]incr outputMsgCtr
#set random [expr {int(100 * rand())}]
set outControl_id [cconcat “$controlIDbase” “-” $outputMsgCtr]##—————————————————–
## Create the Document
##—————————————————–regsub -all {\\.br\\} $document “\n” document
regsub -all {\\.nf\\} $document {} document
regsub -all {\\.fi\\} $document {} document
set OBXSegGroup {}
# for dislpaying in the log:
set OBXSegGroupPrint {}foreach line [split $document \n] {
set OBXSeg $line
set OBXSegGroup [cconcat $OBXSegGroup $OBXSeg \r]
# For displaying in the log
set OBXSegGroupPrint [cconcat $OBXSegGroupPrint $OBXSeg ” “]
# Create the output file.
set filemsg $line
exec /hci/bin/b64.o -d $document filemsg
puts $output_fh $filemsg
close $output_fh
if {![string equal $errorInformation “”]} {
puts “Error Info: $errorInformation”
}if {![string equal $fatalErrorMsg “”] } {
puts $error_fh “$msg had a FATAL ERROR IN WEB SERVICE CALL. $fatalErrorMsg”
set errorfound 1
incr errorcnt
close $error_fh
close $output_fh
catch {exec rm -f $outputFile} catch_return
} else {
close $error_fh
catch {exec rm -f $errorFile} catch_return
if {$errorfound} {
puts “closing output file and deleteing it…”
catch {close $output_fh} catch_return
catch {exec rm -f $outputFile} catch_return
}set date2 [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set time2 [clock format [clock seconds] -format %H%M%S]
set time_diff [expr [clock scan “$date2 $time2”] – [clock scan “$date1 $time1”]]
puts “[whereAmI] Total Query Elapsed Time in seconds: $time_diff”
puts ” ”
puts “….. logging for UPI $upi ends here ……..”
puts ” ”close $inputFh
catch {exec rm -f $inputFile} catch_return
puts “catch returned from removing $inputFile”
time {
}shutdown {
}default {
puts “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsBooneCDRQry”
return $dispList