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I just returned from a trip. Russ and James, thank you for the great responses. Apparently stopping the site demons from the Cloverleaf GUI tool works as expected in production just not from the backend. After further investigation we found that our custom hcilogin script (uses AD user/password then sudoX to hci) was modified and calling another script which indirectly changed some of our variables. Your suggestions and insight definitely got me on the right track. Again thanks.
Bart. 🙂
Yes… the pid file posts in /home/hci in AIX. I do the normal setroot setsite then showroot to make sure everything is correct, change directories to $HCISITEDIR and run hcisitectl accordingly.
When I login to and choose Doucmentation – then Infor Xtreme – Healthcare Products… – Cloverleaf Integration Services – CIS 6.0 I see the CIS 6.0 Installation Guide and the CIS 6.0 Release Notes
When I choose Downloads then pick Products and under Product List pick Healthcare Products – Cloverleaf Integration Suite I can select a release. Date availabe says Dec 4, 2012. I have the option to download at this point.
What I don’t see is anywhere that 6.0 was eady for GA even though it is there. What is the new Infor product announcement process? No annonucement for 6.0 GA was sent to us either. Can you update Clover Tech as well with the 6.0 GA info? Many thanks as always 🙂
Hi Robert,
You’re correct a single HRL with a VRL for the 01 followed by a VRL for the 02 that is repeating would be nice. I created the HRL within the HRL business since I had a pseudo test file with multiple 01 and associated 02 records. This overkill HRL was to handle this scenario since I did not have a Tcl proc to break up the messages, if I did then the more direct HRL could have been used. I’m still trying to figure out how to split up the file to multiple messages so I can use the more simplified HRL or just go with the dummy message and create a variant to xlate with.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your input. Looks like I’m getting data now (at least in the testing tool), I’m glad you and Jim had me check my terminator characters again in my VRL global properties. I had xa instead of x0a. I also had to create a HRL within an HRL (this stuff is confusing). My current HRL contains a repeating VRL for the 01 record and an additional HRL with a repeating VRL for the 02 records. Seems to work, time will tell.
Basic structure:
VRL (repeats for 01 records in a file)
VRL (repeats the 02 records under the 01 record)
Detailed HRL structure for the 01 (VRL) and 02 records (HRL):
{NAME Record01} {TYPE fmt} { FMT {
{ RECORD EKG_Extract_01Record.vrl }
{ FIELD Record01.RecType }
{ VALUE 01 }
} }
{NAME Segment} {TYPE fmt} { FMT {
{ RECORD test_bart_HRL02.hrl }
Detailed structure for the second HRL for the 02 records
{NAME Record02} {TYPE fmt} { FMT {
{ RECORD EKG_Extract_02Record.vrl }
{ FIELD Record02.RecType }
{ VALUE 02 }
} }
And this is not even getting to the Xlate. Now I know why Charlie advised (correctly) to use Tcl to create a dummy message (MSH, Z01, {Z02}). Now to spend some time figuring out Tcl to split up the file to multiple messages… this is getting fun… I learned a lot regarding HRL/VRL.
Thanks all and Merry Christmas and have a Happy 2011.
Hi Jim, the terminating character for all records is 0xa and per your suggestion I have set global properties on the VRLs to match, however, my testing output of the HRL is still lacking the 02 Record data fields.
Charlie, normalizing via Tcl sounds like a great way to go, but I’d sure like to get a good handle on using HRL with VRLs.
If it starts taking me any longer I’ll probably go Charlie’s route…
Thanks again everyone for your time and guidance.
Hi Jim,
Yes I am using newline and it is defined in the global config. My HRL has both VRL. Only the 2nd VRL in HRL is defined with REPEAT WHILE.
I’m still testing the HRL through the testing tool. This is where I see that messages do not have both records populating. Record 01 is there but Record 2 is empty (see below ouput):
Command output:
Field Number: 1
Field Name: Record01
— Begin VRL Segment Record01 —
Length of Repeat Field: 55
Repeat Field Offset from Field: 0
RecType: ch >01<
Facility: ch >1001<
SHCnum: ch >2001<
EMRN: ch >3001<
PatientLastName: ch >4001<
PatientFirstName: ch >5001<
PatientMiddleInit: ch >6001<
PatientSuffix: ch >7001<
PatientPrefix: ch >8001<
DOB: ch >9001<
Gender: ch >10001<
Race: ch ><
PatientAddress1: ch ><
PatientAddress2: ch ><
PatientCity: ch ><
PatientState: ch ><
PatientZip: ch ><
PatientCountry: ch ><
HomePhone: ch ><
VisitNumber: ch ><
PatientClass: ch ><
PatientLocation: ch ><
AdmissionType: ch ><
AttendingDocID: ch ><
AttendingDocLast: ch ><
AttendingDocFirst: ch ><
ReferringDocID: ch ><
ReferringDocLast: ch ><
ReferringDocFirst: ch ><
ConsultDocID: ch ><
ConsultDocLast: ch ><
ConsultDocFirst: ch ><
HospitalService: ch ><
AdmitSource: ch ><
AdmitDocID: ch ><
AdmitDocLast: ch ><
AdmitDocFirst: ch ><
DischargeDisp: ch ><
AdmitDate: ch ><
DischargeDate: ch ><
PlacerOrderNum: ch ><
OrderStatus: ch ><
QuantityTimingPriorityORC: ch ><
OrderingDocID: ch ><
OrderingDocLast: ch ><
OrderingDocFirst: ch ><
FillerOrderNum: ch ><
UniversalSericeIDcode: ch ><
UniversalServiceIDdes: ch ><
ObservationDateTime: ch ><
ResultRptStatusDT: ch ><
ResultStatusOBR25: ch ><
QuantityTimingPriorityOBR: ch ><
PrincipleInterpID: ch ><
PrincipleInterpLast: ch ><
PrincipleInterpFirst: ch ><
—- End VRL Segment Record01 —-
Field Number: 2 (empty)
Field Name: Record02