Forum Replies Created
set inp [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
# If not a valid date/time the clock scan command fails
if {[catch {clock format [clock scan $inp] -format %Y} birthYear]} {
# Issue an error message and leave age blank
echo nnReceived invalid birthdatenn
set age {}
} else {
# Valid birthdate
set nowYear [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y]
set age [expr $nowYear – $birthYear]
#set xlateOutVals
set xlateOutVals
1 3]]
echo pt age = $age
pt age = -188313
Does this calculate the days? Why can’t I get the $age to stink down to position 1-3 only?
Cannot get it to look at OBR works good on PV1?
# Name: select_pv1_17_obr_16 #
# Purpose: This proc determines if the message contains #
# one of the Doctors in the table. #
# If the message matches the criteria, it is passed; #
# ELSE the message is killed. #
# Table is entered as an argument. #
# #
# Written by: #
# Micro Star #
# Date: 05/01/2012 #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Changes # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# Date Comments Changed By #
# #
# UPoC type: tps #
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys: #
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”) #
# MSGID message handle #
# ARGS none #
# #
# #
# Returns: tps disposition list: #
# #
proc select_pv1_17_obr_16 { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {}
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
run {
# Hard Code #
set segment1 “PV1”
set segment2 “OBR”
keylget args MSGID mh
keylget args ARGS arg_tbl
set msg [msgget $mh]
set segmentList [split $msg “r”]
set fieldSeparator [crange $msg 3 3]
set subfieldSeparator [crange $msg 4 4]
set DocTable $arg_tbl
set header [lrange [split $msg “r”] 0 1]
set msh [split [lindex $header 0] $fieldSeparator]
foreach seg [split $msg “r”] {
set segID [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 0]
if { [cequal $segID “PV1”]} {
#set ptclass [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 2]
# set pttype [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 10]
set doctest_fld [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 17]
set doctest [lindex [split $doctest_fld $subfieldSeparator] 0]
foreach seg [split $msg “r”] {
set segID [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 0]
if { [cequal $segID “OBR”]} {
set dr_number [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 16]
echo docnums:$doctest
echo segment1:$segment1
echo segment2:$segment2
# If doctor number matches one of the entries in the argument table #
# set match to yes, so the pass flag will be set to Yes #
set match “N”
set match [tbllookup $DocTable $doctest]
if {[cequal $segment1 “PV1”]} {
if {$match != “N”} {
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
echo PV1 CONTINE message:$mh
} else {
if {[cequal $segment2 “OBR”]} {
if {$match != “N”} {
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
echo OBR CONTINE message:$mh
} else {
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
echo OBR Kill message:$mh
echo mh:$mh
return $dispList
shutdown {
With the new Version 6 do you clean this up like the older version or has this change??
I do wait for a reply but I don’t disconnect. thanks
Here is the TCL that worked
# Name: tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7
# Purpose: Kill all messages not equal to “RESULTOUTASCII” in MSH.8
# or all messages not equal to “HEM” in OBR.24
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set msg [msgget $mh]
#echo MSG = $msg
set fldSep [string index $msg 3]
#echo fldSep = $fldSep
set SEGMENTS [split $msg r]
set msh8 [lindex [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 9] $fldSep] 7]
#echo MSH8 = $msh8
set OBR [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $SEGMENTS {^OBR}] $fldSep]
#echo OBR = $OBR
set obr24 [lindex $OBR 24]
#echo OBR 24 is >$obr24<
if {$msh8 ne “RESULTOUTASCII” || $obr24 ne “HEM”} {
return “{KILL $mh}”
} else {
return “{CONTINUE $mh}”
the TCL is not pick up the OBR segment
# Name: tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7
# Purpose: Kill all messages not equal to “RESULTOUTASCII” in MSH.8
# or all messages not equal to “HEM” in OBR.24
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set fldSep [string index $mh 3]
set SEGMENTS [split $mh r]
set msh8 [lindex [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 9] $fldSep] 7]
set OBR [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $SEGMENTS {^OBR}] $fldSep]
set obr24 [lindex OBR 23]
echo OBR 24 is > $obr24 <
if {$msh8 ne “RESULTOUTASCII” || $obr24 ne “HEM”} {
return “{KILL $mh}”
} else {
return “{CONTINUE $mh}”
May 14, 2013 at 12:24 pm in reply to: TCL Proc Kill message if not equal to "RESULTOUTASCII&a #78453[nci :nci :ERR /0: hlab_cmd:05/14/2013 07:18:38] Check NetConfig error – error list:
to_empower_inp_hlab Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ’empsvr2′
sfbi_standard_in Protocol PDL TCP/IP: PDLTYPE ‘tcp-client’ is not ‘tcp-server’
to_empower_inp Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ’empsvr2′
to_hboc_orders Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ‘starcln’
to_hboc_orm_dft Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ‘starcln’
fr_prosolv_in Protocol PDL TCP/IP: PDLTYPE ‘tcp-client’ is not ‘tcp-server’
vitals_isirona_adt Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ‘msmcvitalsrv01’
to_hboc_pha_hlab Protocol PDL TCP/IP Host: cannot find host ‘starcln’
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:19:10] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:19:28] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[pdl :PDL :ERR /0:auditlogix_adt:05/14/2013 07:19:47] read failed: Unknown error
[pdl :PDL :ERR /0:auditlogix_adt:05/14/2013 07:19:47] read returned error 0 (No error)
[pdl :PDL :ERR /0:auditlogix_adt:05/14/2013 07:19:47] PDL signaled exception: code 1, msg device error (remote side probably shut down)
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:19:58] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:04] [0.0.494390656] unknown segment ‘PD1’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:05] [0.0.494390656] unknown segment ‘ZOE’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:05] [0.0.494390656] unknown segment ‘ZPI’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:05] [0.0.494390656] unknown segment ‘ZPV’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:05] [0.0.494390656] unknown segment ‘ZIN’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:05] [0.0.494390656] The # 23 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:19] [0.0.494390691] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:19] [0.0.494390691] The # 19 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:19] [0.0.494390691] The # 20 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:19] [0.0.494390691] The # 21 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:19] [0.0.494390691] The # 22 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A01’. Segment ignored.
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:20:54] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] The # 19 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] The # 20 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] The # 21 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] The # 22 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:27] [0.0.494390865] unknown segment ‘ZAB’ — ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:58] [0.0.494391104] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:58] [0.0.494391104] The # 27 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:58] [0.0.494391104] The # 28 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:58] [0.0.494391104] The # 29 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:21:58] [0.0.494391104] The # 30 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:08] [0.0.494391167] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:08] [0.0.494391167] The # 27 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:08] [0.0.494391167] The # 28 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:08] [0.0.494391167] The # 29 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:08] [0.0.494391167] The # 30 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:22] [0.0.494391269] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:22] [0.0.494391269] The # 27 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:22] [0.0.494391269] The # 28 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:22] [0.0.494391269] The # 29 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:22] [0.0.494391269] The # 30 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 19 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 20 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 21 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 22 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:25] [0.0.494391334] The # 23 segment encountered ‘ZAB’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:26] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:26] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:27] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:28] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:28] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:29] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:29] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:29] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:29] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:30] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:30] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:30] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:31] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:31] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:31] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:32] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:32] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:32] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:33] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:33] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:33] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:34] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:34] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:34] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:35] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:35] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:35] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[xlt :xlat:ERR /0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:36] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7’
args = ”
result = ‘invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7″‘
errorInfo: ‘
invalid command name “tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7”
while executing
“tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT xlt_pre} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:43] [0.0.494391696] The # 3 segment encountered ‘PD1’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:43] [0.0.494391696] The # 27 segment encountered ‘ZPI’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:43] [0.0.494391696] The # 28 segment encountered ‘ZPV’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:43] [0.0.494391696] The # 29 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
[msg :RecP:WARN/0: hlab_xlate:05/14/2013 07:22:43] [0.0.494391696] The # 30 segment encountered ‘ZIN’ is not defined for message type ‘ADT_A08’. Segment ignored.
May 14, 2013 at 12:21 pm in reply to: TCL Proc Kill message if not equal to "RESULTOUTASCII&a #78452#####################################################################
# Name: tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7
# Purpose: Kill all messages not equal to “RESULTOUTASCII” in MSH.8
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set fldSep [string index $msg 3]
set SEGMENTS [split $msg r]
set msh8 [lindex [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 9] $fldSep] 7]
set OBR [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $SEGMENTS {^OBR}] $fldSep]
set obr24 [lindex $OBR 24]
if {$msh8 ne “RESULTOUTASCII” && $obr24 ne “HEN”} {
return “{KILL $mh}”
} else {
return “{CONTINUE $mh””
May 14, 2013 at 11:32 am in reply to: TCL Proc Kill message if not equal to "RESULTOUTASCII&a #78450I correct my TCL proc to be. But now I am getting a 302 error
# Name: tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7
# Purpose: Kill all messages not equal to “RESULTOUTASCII” in MSH.8
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc tpsKillMSH8_Sentri7 { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set MSH_8 “”
set OBR_24 “”
set msg [msgget $mh]
set fieldSeparator [crange $msg 3 3]
set subFieldSeparator [crange $msg 4 4]
set repChar [crange $msg 5 5]
set escChar [crange $msg 6 6]
set subCompSeparator [crange $msg 7 7]
set fldSep [string index $msg 3]
set SEGMENTS [split $msg r]
set msh8 [lindex [split [lindex $SEGMENTS 9] $fldSep] 7]
set OBR [split [lsearch -inline -regexp $SEGMENTS {^OBR}] $fldSep]
set obr24 [lindex $OBR 24]
if {$msh8 ne “RESULTOUTASCII” && $obr24 ne “HEN”} {
return “{KILL $mh}”
} else {
return “{CONTINUE $mh””
return $dispList
thanks for your posting. I was over thing it to much but I did forget out to be something like this
set OrderNum [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set newOrderNum [string range $OrderNum 0 [expr [string length $OrderNum] – 3]]
set xlateOutVals {}
lappend xlateOutVals $newOrderNum
this does do the job. thanks again
February 25, 2013 at 1:21 pm in reply to: XLATE Iteration Issue ~ Having issues on how make this work #78043I am using a group iterate.
type: group
basis: 1(0)
variable: %g1
February 25, 2013 at 1:13 pm in reply to: XLATE Iteration Issue ~ Having issues on how make this work #78041I am using a group iterate.
type: group
basis: 1(0)
variable: %g1
February 25, 2013 at 12:30 am in reply to: XLATE Iteration Issue ~ Having issues on how make this work #78039Xlate