XML – Fatal Error generated during parsing

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf XML – Fatal Error generated during parsing

  • Creator
  • #54291
    Ronald Ortiz

      I’m testing the schema and a sample xml file from the vendor, and I’m running into the following error.  Any idea’s?


      Please Wait ……

      Command Issued: hcixmltest -e ASCII -d 4 -f nl -p Nicon_Cheeta CheetahData E:/healthvision/cis5.8/integrator/_t_test_site1/#TestFiles/Packet10.xml

      Command output:

      MESSAGE 1

      [0:TEST] Fatal Error generated during parsing. – The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was ‘CheetahData’ – Line 1, Col 118

      XML Error Source – Message Body for  mid [0.0.0]

      1:’org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”CheetahData.xsd”  >’


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    • Author
      • #80898
        Ronald Ortiz

          Also, I’m on Cloverleaf 5.8.4

        • #80899
          Robert Kersemakers

            Hi Ronald,

            In your example there are a lot of entries that look like self-closing elements:


            If these are really self-closing (ie empty) elements, then there should be a space between the name of the element and the closing /, like this:


            Otherwise the element name is ‘Hgb/’ and this element needs to be closed.

            I have never used self-closing elements myself in Cloverleaf, so I’m not sure they are accepted. But they should be, as they are valid XML.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #80900
            Ronald Ortiz

              Hi Robert,

              Yeah, working with a vendor Nicom Cheetah and that’s apparently how they send out their XML.  I’ve been testing different idea’s to get this to work.  So far nothing.  

              I even changed it to the following, and it’s still giving the same error:



            • #80901
              Robert Kersemakers

                Hi Ronald,

                I got curious and tested the XML angainst the XSD in CL5.7 and it worked! I used the files you attached in your first mail and no problems:


                Please Wait ……
                Command Issued: hcixmltest -d 1 -f eof -p test CheetahData /hci/qdx5.7/integrator/test/formats/xml/test/Packet10.txt
                Command output:

                MESSAGE 1
                CheetahData.PackageLocalID.#text:   >02011:01:13T10:14:502011:01:13T10:14:19TEST_TYPE_RESTPROTOCOL_TYPE_NONEjohnjr.smith0123456765.000181.000361.835GENDER_MALE<

                So self-closing elements is no problem for CL.

                I now see what’s going wrong: you need to use ‘EOF Terminated’ instead of ‘New Line Terminated’ when testing. You are only handling the first line, instead of the whole file/xml.

                Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

              • #80902
                Ronald Ortiz

                  Ah, and now I know…thanks for pointing that out!


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