Xlt to switch two fields

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Xlt to switch two fields

  • Creator
  • #119664
    Holly Harp

      Hello, I need to build and xlate to switch two fields of and MDM message.

      Here are the parameters that I need:

      If MSH3 = TeleRis

      Then switch OBX1.5.2 and OBX1.5.1

      I’ve never createand XLT and am not sure of how to do this, any pointers will help.




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    • Author
      • #119665
        Jim Kosloskey
          • Build variants for IB and OB MDM message
          • Decide how you are going to get the IB fields in general to OB in Xlate
            • BULKCOPY (copies entire message).
            • PATHCOPYs for each segment needed in the OB.
            • Individual field COPYs for each field of each segment needed in the OB

          Now you need to determine if the OBX Group/Segment actually repeats from the sending system and if the receiving system wants all of the repetitions.

          You will need to ITERATE over the OBX Group/Segment (depends on variant definition) and inside the ITERATE COPY OBX-5.1 (Source) to OBX-5.2 (Destination) and OBX-5.2 (Source) to OBX-5.1 (Destination).

          If you used BULKCOPY or PATHCOPY you should not need to do anything with any of the other OBX fields or components. If you used Field Level COPYs then you will need to COPY (or other Xlate Action) the other OBX fields/components as needed.

          If you would like to discuss this more with me off-line, email me.


          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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