XLATE question regarding ~~ and repeating fields

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf XLATE question regarding ~~ and repeating fields

  • Creator
  • #50892
    Mike Wilson

      Hey everyone, I have a problem where the receiving system is needing a certain doctor in the PV1.9 field in repetition 3.  I have not had to do this before.  PV1.9 should look like |~~DOCCODE^LAST^FIRST|

      I cant find a way in the xlate tool to map it to the 3rd repetition and I cant manually add the ~.  Anyone have any ideas?

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    • Author
      • #67933
        Jim Kosloskey


          This is what I would specify:

          0(0).PV1(0).#9(2).[0] for the ID

          0(0).PV1(0).#9(2).[1] for the Last Name

          0(0).PV1(0).#9(2).[2] for the First Name.

          The #9 can be replaced by the HL/7 field identifier with no ill efffects. The address path leading up to the PV1segment is, of course, dependent on your variant. What I expressed is the standard location.

          It is the element inside the parenthesis following the field identifier (#9) above that is the operative value along with the component identifier (in square brackets).

          Now unless someone has changed the variant you are using to not let the PV1-9 repeat, the above should work.

          An important question is why that need to be in the 3rd rep, are rep 1 and 2 already populated?

          Also you should note that there is a provision in that field data type to identify the type of code provided. In these days of multiple coding to identify Doctors it is appropriate to specify the source of the Doctor ID.

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #67934
          Mike Wilson


            Many thanks, that worked great.  The number in parenthesis was the only one I hadnt experimented with yet, lol.  Thanks again.


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