Homepage Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf XLATE ORU to MDM

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  • #112245
    Mark Brown

    We’re wanting to use an ORU message to create a MDM_T02 message. But the structure of the two message types aren’t very close. Can this actually be done?

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  • Author
    • #112249
      Jim Kosloskey

      Well it is unlikely BULKCOPY will work.

      Perhaps a number pf PATCHCOPYs at the segment level could work.

      But certainly you can COPY (or other Actions) individual fields, components, sub-components, etc. from one place in the ORU to the MDM assuming the data you need actually exists in the ORU.

      If you would like to discuss this in more detail, email me.

      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #112258
      Charlie Bursell

      The operative question here is does ORU contain all of the data that is required by the MDM?  Unless the ORU is special that is not normally the case.

      If all of the data you need is there simply copy from the ORU field to the MDM field.  Probably not that simple 🙂

    • #112260
      Chris Roberts

      I recently did this using PATHCOPY. I did add a post-xlate script that would flip MSH-9 to MDM^T02.

      • #112273
        Jim Kosloskey

        I would think if your OB Variant is MDM^T02 and you don’t COPY MSH-9 from the IB to the OB a proc would not be necessary. That could depend on the Cloverleaf release though.

        I would first try not building any of the MSH (the Xlate should build the essential fields) first then see if the MSH-9 is correct. If that is true, then COPY those MSH-9 fields which you want populated from the IB.

        As Charlie said the important thing is the essential data required for the MDM is indeed somewhere in the ORU.

        You may need to do some ITERATEs which go cross architecture (field to segment, segment to field, group to segment, etc.).

        email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #112280
      Dustin Sayes

      Mark, you should be able to do this with no problem at all. Create the inbound hl7 variant for the ORU, and create/use an MDM variant for the outbound side. ORU’s and MDM’s are typically very close in structure – close enough at least to use the copy command, in the xlate and move the message values from inbound to outbound. You’ll want to modify MSH.9 and EVN.1, so that EVN.1 = T02 and MSH.9 is MDM^T02.

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