xlate metadata access filename

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf xlate metadata access filename

  • Creator
  • #120325

      I have a tcl proc that changes the ob filename.  I need to access this in Xlate.  Is it possible to do this?

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    • Author
      • #120326
        Dirk Engels

          Yes. with xpmmetaset instead of msgmetaset you can set the driverctl metadata field from within a xlate.

        • #120328
          Jim Kosloskey

            Umm,I believe the OB filename gets set in the OB thread so I am not sure doing it in the Xlate would work.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #120329

              I have attached screenshots.

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            • #120334
              Jim Kosloskey

                I am going to guess (because you did not properly explain) that you are concerned about the value that eventually ends up in PID-2.

                If that is the case, then you have a couple of issues:

                1. The PID-2 field is only defined in the 2.4 HL/7 set as 20 characters long (unless you have modified the variant) and it appears what you want to put in there is longer than that.
                2. You are not treating xlateOutVals as a list and space (and it appears there are spaces in the text you want to store in xlateOutVals) delimits the list elements thus you only get the text up to the first space.

                If I am not understanding what you are attempting, please clarify.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #120335

                  I think I may understand what’s going on.

                  • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Stewart.
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