Xlate issue with PATHCOPY

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Xlate issue with PATHCOPY

  • Creator
  • #54036
    Rehman Masood

      I am copying a DG1 to a DG1 segment using PATHCOPY. The source system sends DG1-26/DG1-27 which are not defined in the Hl7 2.5 schema for DG1 so I created a variant and added them manually for both incoming/outgoing sides. Now when I do my PATHCOPY, the Xlate won’t copy DG1-26/DG1-27. If I try to just use COPY, it copies them. If I validate my variant, it shows DG1-26/DG1-27. I can get this to work but am wondering what the root cause behind this is.

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    • Author
      • #79934
        Peter Heggie

          What version of Cloverleaf and what platform are you on? Is the incoming data all printable characters?

          Peter Heggie

        • #79935
          Rehman Masood

            We are on aix/5.7. Yes, it is all printable character.

          • #79936
            Terry Kellum

              Did you do an HL7 test on the inbound data using your variant?  I’ve had issues with field length or type that were not obvious until I dug into the minutiae of the variant.

            • #79937
              Chris Williams

                If memory serves, when you use PATHCOPY it copies individual fields according to their HL7 item numbers. If the number in the inbound variant doesn’t match the item number in the outbound, it won’t copy the field across.

              • #79938
                Rehman Masood

                  Terry Kellum wrote:

                  Did you do an HL7 test on the inbound data using your variant?

                • #79939
                  Rehman Masood

                    Chris Williams wrote:

                    If memory serves, when you use PATHCOPY it copies individual fields according to their HL7 item numbers. If the number in the inbound variant doesn’t match the item number in the outbound, it won’t copy the field across.

                    Let me try to number them same and see what happens.

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