xlate help – Null out all OBX segments

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf xlate help – Null out all OBX segments

  • Creator
  • #51695
    Tom Arrowsmith


      I am trying to null out all OBX segments in their entirety in an ADT message (Where the receiving system does not take the data in the OBX segments)

      I have been trying to work with the Iterate and Pathcopy features.

      First, here’s a copy of the message as it appears in the testing tool:

      0(0).MSH(0)  :  >|^~&|ST02|L|LA01|L|201004140836||ADT^A01|PLW21213800856264009|P|2.2|||AL|NE< 0(0).EVN(0)  :  >|A01|201004140836||ADM|U75334^RUMICK^IRIS< 0(0).PID(0)  :  >|1|000008895|04111755^^^ST02L^MR||RUMICK^Oclink128554||19400203|M|||||||NR|||3022802^^^ST02L< 0(0).PV1(0)  :  >|1|I|MED^M250^A^L^OCC|2^I|||2218^RUSTOGI^ALOK^C^^^MD^HL70010|||MED||||2|||2393^RIAR^AMJAD^C^^^MD^HL70010|IP||S||PLS-1~DNA-N|||||||||||||||||AH||2|||201004140834||||||||4084^CHINERY^ROGER^C^^DR.< 0(0).PV2(0)  :  >||S|broken links< 0(0).OBX(0)  :  >|1|ST|^^^ABC^Assign Benefits^PLW-HL7|||||||||||20100414< 0(0).OBX(1)  :  >|2|ST|^^^LWDCF^Discharge Record Flags^PLW-HL7||~Y< 0(0).OBX(2)  :  >|3|ST|^^^LRRF^Reg Required Flags^PLW-HL7||~~~NR~~1< 0(0).DG1(0)  :  >|1|I9|443.9|PERIPH VASCULAR DIS NOS||NA|||||||||00< 3(0).0(0).IN1(0)  :  >|1|SELFPAY^SELF PAY/DISCOUNT 35|SE|SELF PAY|||||||||||Z< 4(0).ZLW(0)  :  >||none|||||3|||||||||||||3265||CCTS|ADM< I am not strong with my knowledge of iteration and establishing the proper basis and variables. I am trying to set up a situation where I can copy @null to the entire segment (something I succeed in when the segment does not repeat). So now I am trying to put the copy @null via the pathcopy inside an iterate. Thanks! Tom Arrowsmith Inova Loudoun Hospital (703) 779-5474

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    • Author
      • #71317
        Nick Stainback

          if the downstream system does not need to have the OBX segments you could just use Pathcopy in the Xlate to copy all the segments that they did need leaving out the OBX… does the system need to have the OBX place holder with the NULL Value?  I may not be understanding the whole question.

        • #71318
          Robert Milfajt

            Simpler yet, create an HL7 variant for your downstream system and eliminate the OBX segments from the ADT message definitions.  BULKCOPY will then just not move them over.

            Hope this helps,

            Robert Milfajt
            Northwestern Medicine
            Chicago, IL

          • #71319
            Tom Arrowsmith

              Yes, I knew of that solution – however some of the data in the OBX segments I may want to move to another location (thus preserving it) – I guess I can still do this i9f the destination variant no longer has the OBX segments…. Is that correct?


            • #71320
              Robert Milfajt

                Yes, make sure you have two HL7 variants defined, one for source and one for destination.

                Robert Milfajt
                Northwestern Medicine
                Chicago, IL

              • #71321
                Tom Arrowsmith

                  Thanks, that gives me a great solution for this issue.

                  I must say, though, that I would still like to learn more about iteration and properly establishing the basis – as I know I will eventually need to make more use of that.

                  Thanks for your solution!

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