Xlate Debugger Watch Expression

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Xlate Debugger Watch Expression

  • Creator
  • #120200
    Jim Kosloskey

      Anyone have any experience using the Xlate Debugger Watch Expression?

      What I would like to do is to watch an IB filed (1(0).1(%g1).3(%g2).NTE(%s1).#3(%f2)) and, at some point, change its value. I have the watch expression just specified as 1(0).1(%g1).3(%g2).NTE(%s1).#3(%f2) but no value ever shows up.

      Is there something else I need to do?


      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #120219
        Levy Lazarre

          Hi Jim,

          I had a similar issue with the Xlate Debugger. I noticed that this happens when the Watch Expression has a field Iterate (%f).

          In order to troubleshoot, I went to the “View” menu after starting the Debugger and enabled the “Console”. I proceeded with Stepping through the debugging session, and when I got to the Xlate statement with the field in question, I noticed the following error message on the Console:

          Cannot set value to partial address 1(0).1(%g1).3(%g2).NTE(%s1).#3(%f2)

          This indicated that the Debugger considered the address as incomplete. I just added an index and watched several complete expressions:

          1(0).1(%g1).3(%g2).NTE(%s1).#3(%f2).[4]   (depending on the possible number of subfields in the field)

          I restarted the session and it worked for me. Eventually one the expressions was populated with a value (depending on the subfield where the value is located in the input).

          I hope this helps.

        • #120220
          Jim Kosloskey


            Thanks. I can do that but I would consider that to be a bug. Not a big one but a bug nonetheless.

            Unfortunately, I cannot report this to Infor or I would.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #120227
            Jeff Dawson

              Hi Jim and Levy,

              I had tried this out on CIS and had some issues testing out some of the debugging features when I came across iterating issues.  We had planned on upgrading to CIS but came across some issues and its been pushed back in our project queue.  Below are some of the notes from the issue I reported and hopefully it’s been fixed with this newest version.


              Hello, We are running CIS 6.2.61 on AIX 7.2 TL2. When I run a route test on this orders xlate everything works correctly nothing in the log or testing tool outputs any issues with the groupings I have for the IN1, IN2, IN3 group or the ORC, OBR, OBX grouping but when i run xlate debugger when it gets to the IN1 and OBR Groups it throws a can’t resolve address error. The address same when i output from the source side of the variant. I’m attaching a few screen shots in Test of the error and of the xlate. I also just tried this on our CIS on AIX and the xlate debugger throws the same error.


              Issue: Xlate debugger error Steps Taken: Test in-house the xlate box provided. No errors were fund when running route/ hl7 test, translations were correct but still shows the same errors out during debug mode on segments IN1 and ORC Resolution: Consult with r&d. They were able to reproduce it, if set breakpoint to the address that contains variable, xlate debugger throws this error. This issue is only for xlate debugger, it will not influence the route test and xlate test. The reason is that hcixlttest tcp server send cmdMsg “WAIT{ACTION BKPT} {ACNAME PATHCOPY} {INDEX 18} ” to the GUI and the GUI respond “cmdStr=LIST 1(0).1(0).1(0).0(%g3).IN1(0)”, due to cmdStr is not NULL, the xlate debugger does xpmDbgShowValue, but there is no replacement of variable %g3, so when resolve the address the error is reported. Fix will be scheduled for

            • #120229
              Jim Kosloskey


                I have been able to use the debugger on a later release. Cloverleaf 6.2 had some known issues still with debugger. I experienced some inconsistencies with 6.2. On the release I currently have access to I have done some basic debugging but, while not exactly your case, it did involve nested ITERATEs and I did not experience what you are experiencing.

                That is not to say the issue is not still present because I did not exercise it the same way you did.

                If you are willing to email me your Xlate and a sample IB file (denuded of PHI of course) I would be happy to work with you to see if that exists on the release I have access to. If you want to chat about this and you have my number, just give me a call or email me and let me know a good time to call you.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #120233
                  Jeff Dawson

                    Thanks Jim appreciate it!  This is one thing I’m looking  forward to trying out again, though we are now looking at possibly upgrading to CIS 22 or rather when Infor drops the first patch.

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