Xlate Comment should display multiple lines if enter key is

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Xlate Comment should display multiple lines if enter key is

  • Creator
  • #55698
    Jim Kosloskey

      I would like to suggest an enhancement to the Xlate COMMENT Action.

      If one presses the enter key, the display should do a line break rather than tacking the characters after the enter.

      For example If I enter ‘some comment sentence oneSome comment second sentence’.

      Currently displays as:

      ‘some comment sentence oneSomecomment second sentence’

      I think this should be displayed:

      ‘some comment sentence one

      Some comment second sentence’

      What are your thoughts – also please answer the poll.

      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #86194
        Steve Williams

          I like the current functionality.

          It allows me to type a really long comment with embedded newlines that I use to explain something complicated and only shows as on line in the xlate.

          To get multiline comments, I just add multiple comments lines

               when I want to show a longer on screen comment. Plus, I

               can indent the second+ lines on the comments to control the

               onscreen display. Just like I’ve done with this post. 🙂

          Just my two cents…

        • #86195
          Robert Kersemakers

            Currently every action is exactly one line. If comments would be multiline, then an Xlate would get very crowded/noisy I fear. Would have to see it in action how it looks, but right now I would say no.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #86196
            Jim Kosloskey

              What I envisioned actually existed for a few releases.

              So to be clear:

              COMMENT display panel would have:

              Some comment one

              some comment two

              If one deploys the enter key after one above

              Rather than the current COMMENT panel looking like this:

              Some comment onesome comment two.

              So one actual Action line but inside the display panel multiple lines of display. It would also be nice if other formatting characters such as TAB were honored then one could indent on the same COMMENT.

              So I think this makes for fewer actual Xlate Action lines as to do this today would require 2 COMMENT Actions and hitting the space key to effect a tab.

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #86197
              Jim Kosloskey

                What I envisioned actually existed for a few releases.

                So to be clear:

                COMMENT display panel would have:

                Some comment one

                some comment two

                If one deploys the enter key after one above

                Rather than the current COMMENT panel looking like this:

                Some commentonesome comment two.

                So one actual Action line but inside the display panel multiple lines of display. It would also be nice if other formatting characters such as TAB were honored then one could indent on the same COMMENT.

                So I think this makes for fewer actual Xlate Action lines as to do this today would require 2 COMMENT Actions and hitting the space key to effect a tab.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #86198
                Robert Kersemakers

                  Ah, you mean what you see in the included screenprint? But that is how it has always been and still is (on our current 6.0.2 version, running on Linux), as far as I know.

                  Is this a new ‘feature’ then from 6.1/6.2?

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                • #86199
                  Jim Kosloskey

                    Yes but one needs to actually show the properties in order to get the display.

                    What I am asking for is the display to show the multiple lines expanded when, for example, the Xlate is first opened.

                    Then one would be able to read the comments without needing to actually ‘open’ each COMMENT. As it is with a fully commented Xlate, a new person wanting to understand what is going on needs to actually look at each COMMENT rather than the Xlate.

                    If that seems too cluttered, an option could be added I would think to specify expand comments or collapse comments.

                    That display I am describing did exist in one or more of the 3.x releases.

                    email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #86200
                    Steve Williams

                      I believe the following animated screenshot illustrates Jim’s proposal…

                      Note the comments on lines 41-43 in the current display will become just one line in the proposed multiline comment display.

                      The animation cycles every 3 seconds.

                    • #86201
                      Robert Milfajt

                        Reading through the dialogue, I wonder if comment lines are the right place for some of the commentary.  Similar to how Cloverleaf associates Notes with threads, it might be a good idea to have a Notes functionality for Xlates, routes, tables, etc.  In that way, one could be as verbose as necessary, especially for versioning type commentary.  Just a thought, or perhaps a wish, of mine.


                        Robert Milfajt
                        Northwestern Medicine
                        Chicago, IL

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