X12 with Epic

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  • Creator
  • #54831
    Sue Mylott

      Hello, we have never had X12 messages our Cloverleaf before, but thought we’d give it a try with our Epic implementation.

      We set up the thread, but are not getting any messages. See attached screen shots.

      They are not expecting an ack on their side.

      Any ideas? Someone on these forums said something about Cloverleaf timing out. Should the timeout under MLLP be increased more than 300 seconds? Is the protocol right for X12 – tcpip?

      Thank you in advance for your help!

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    • Author
      • #83143
        James Cobane


          I suspect the issue is that the protocol configuration between Cloverleaf and Epic is different.  You specify Cloverleaf to expect the messages from Epic to be MLLP encapsulated, but I doubt that Epic is encapsulating the X12 messages using MLLP encapsulation.  We are getting X12 Admission Notification messages from Epic to Cloverleaf, and we had to configure it as PROTOCOL:pdl-tcpip with a custom pdl (attached).

          Hope this helps.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #83144
          Jim Kosloskey

            I don’t know about EPIC but many X12 integrations I have done (real time) use TCP/IP Length encoded.

            So maybe they can support that and you won’t need a PDL.

            Also there is no reason X12 cannot be encapsulated with MLP or any agreed upon encapsulation.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #83145
            Steve Pringle

              I’m new to X12, putting together an Epic X12 interface from Epic to Cloverleaf to Experian (X12 msg type).  Using the X12 pdl from James I am now able to receive X12 from Epic (and reply back with a tcl TA1 reply proc), then send the X12 msg to Experian, but I get a reply back which isn’t handled since I don’t have an X12 TPS Inbound Reply proc.

              Has anyone run into this issue?  I can use hcitpsmsgkill, that works, but then I’m not getting the status (ack/nack) checked.  I could write my own IB reply proc (once I figure out what a ack/nack in X12 looks like)…



            • #83146
              Jim Kosloskey

                Your Trading Partner (Experian) should provide you with a companion guide or implementation guide.

                That guide should specify what set of acknowledgments you can expect and what they mean.

                Typically (but not always) there is a TA1 which essentially tells you whether the submitted message basically meets the requirements of the trading partner.

                There can be (in addtion to or instead of) one of the 99x Transaction Sets which provides more deteiled information about the acceptability of the submited message and reasons for non acceptability.

                Additionally, some Transaction Sets (like the 270/271) contain essential information regarding application level acceptability (errors).

                If you would like to discuss this in more detail as well as a Tcl proc I have used to handle acknowledgments of all types of Cloverleaf supported messages feel free to email me.


                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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