X12 ack proc

  • Creator
  • #54779
    Alfred Cox

      I’m wondering if anyone has built an X12 proc to automatically send an X12 acknowledgement.

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    • Author
      • #82960
        Jim Kosloskey

          Does the connection need this acknowledgment synchronously? For example are you talking about an acknowledgment that the message has been received or are you talking about an acknowledgment to indicate the message has been properly processed or both?

          Frequently the X12 exchange has more than one level of acknowledgment.

          Is this X12 message you receive going on as an X12 to a receiving system?

          The reason I ask is for a proof-of-concept some years (hmmm maybe a decade or more) back I was able to accomplish what was required for an X12 exchange without using any procs. However it was X12 to X12 and asynchronous message exchange so I could leverage some of what the receiving systems provided

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #82961
          Mark Thompson


            This seems like this is something Cloverleaf should provide similar to the generic Ack for HL7 messages, but I did not find an X12 equivalent.

            I assume you want to create a TA1 acknowlegement as a REPLY message.  If your message runs through hciX12splitinterchange first, some of the work is done for you and stashed in metadata (like SEPCHARS and ISA).  You can switch a couple fields (Sender ID and Receiver ID) in the original ISA to create your reply ISA, then update timestamps.  Pull the required TA1 fields from the ISA also.  Remember to copy the DRIVERCTL from the original message into your reply message before you OVER the reply back to the sender.

            Is this what you are looking for?

            - Mark Thompson

          • #82962
            Alfred Cox

              Yes, we are looking to create a TA1 acknowledgement as a reply message for each of the messages we receive before they continue downstream to the receiving system. We were of the same opinion in thinking that Cloverleaf would have provided this but they said it wasn’t something they had done and that if we wanted something like this we could easily make changes to hl7Raw_ack.tcl to suit our purposes. Unfortunately, I am pretty new to X12.

            • #82963
              Jim Kosloskey


                You will want to research the use of the TA1. Especially converse with your trading partner to see what they expect.

                At the minimum the TA1 Transaction set should have an ISA, TA1, IEA.

                However, in X12 the TA1 is normally used as a mechanism to communicate to the sending system if there are syntactical errors in the ‘envelope’. So make sure your trading partner is or is not expecting that level of reporting.

                Also frequently this exchange is ayschronous. That means the sending system will not wait for the TA1 before sendiing the next message. Instead it will receive the TA1 whenever it returns and act accordingly. So make sure what kiind of exchange your trading partner expects (synchronous cn make life easier).

                Asynchronous may also mean more than one connecttion (one to receive the messages another to seend back the replies – TA1 for example) – or not.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #82964
                Alfred Cox

                  Our plan is to have this be a synchronous exchange the transaction having ISA, TA1, and IEA and to report either accepted or rejected back to the sending application.

                  Jim Kosloskey wrote:


                  You will want to research the use of the TA1. Especially converse with your trading partner to see what they expect.

                  At the minimum the TA1 Transaction set should have an ISA, TA1, IEA.

                  However, in X12 the TA1 is normally used as a mechanism to communicate to the sending system if there are syntactical errors in the ‘envelope’. So make sure your trading partner is or is not expecting that level of reporting.

                  Also frequently this exchange is ayschronous. That means the sending system will not wait for the TA1 before sendiing the next message. Instead it will receive the TA1 whenever it returns and act accordingly. So make sure what kiind of exchange your trading partner expects (synchronous cn make life easier).

                  Asynchronous may also mean more than one connecttion (one to receive the messages another to seend back the replies – TA1 for example) – or not.

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