working with e-mail alerts

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf working with e-mail alerts

  • Creator
  • #47951
    John Harvey


      Does anyone here use e-mail alerts in Quovadx?  I have a script set up on a couple test threads and I have some occurances where alerts work, but I’m finding that my alerts will send to some e-mail addresses but not others.  For instance, I can get an alert within my hospitals internal mail system (called MOX which is rarely used anymore), and I can get an alert to send to my MSN junk mail folder, but I can’t get them anywhere else (i.e. helpdesk, my work e-mail address, alpha-numeric pagers).

      I know the e-mails are hitting the mail server (third arguement) and sometimes the e-mail address (second arguement), so the script itself works, I just can’t get it to send to the e-mail addresses which are most important.

      Below is the script:

      proc send_email_message {recipient email_server subject body} {

         package require smtp

         package require mime

         set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]

         mime::setheader $token Subject $subject

         smtp::sendmessage $token -recipients $recipient -servers $email_server

         mime::finalize $token


      thanks!  :mrgreen:

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    • Author
      • #57147
        Charlie Bursell

          Your Mail Admin has Anonymous Forwarding disabled as he should.  This means to send mail outside of your domain you will have to log into the mail server with a good login/password

          See the SMTP RFC.

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