what are core.nnnnn files?

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  • Creator
  • #54447
    Michael Fisher

      Doing some clean up and file maintenance, I noticed a few large files named core.nnnnn in a couple of process directories (but not all of them).  Can any one tell me what they are and if some or all of them can be removed?

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    • Author
      • #81512
        Russ Ross

          I’m used to seeing core files but without .nnnnn file extension.

          We run on AIX and our daily clean_dirs script does get rid of any files named “core” in $HCIROOT or below.

          Here is the exact command so there is no confusion:


          find $HCIROOT -name core -exec rm {} ; 2>/dev/null

          It is my understanding core files are created when something crashes and might be useable by IBM to determine what went wrong.

          Of course good luck with that diagnosis.

          Russ Ross

        • #81513
          Yves Guerin


            The program went bad so the kernel stop the process and save the memory of this process to the core dump file.

            To see what happened, open your favorite debugger (undex Unix is gdb) and play with it : <a href="http://www.cprogramming.com/gdb.html&#8221; class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.cprogramming.com/gdb.html

            Have fun  ðŸ˜†


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