Web Service Consuming REST API with token

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Web Service Consuming REST API with token

  • Creator
  • #54907
    Jerry Tilsley

      Anyone out there using the Cloverleaf Web Services module to consume Web REST API’s that require the use of an authentication token?

      I have the connection working using TclCurl, but want to move this to the native protocols of Cloverleaf.  I know I need to override the header values, but have not been successful in getting this to work.  Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.



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    • Author
      • #83419
        John Mercogliano

          Hi Jerry,

             With some help from Infor, here is a sample of what I’m using to call the Global Monitor Webservice.


          catch { curl::transfer -url https://intenggmapp01.corp.ad.sentara.com/gmx/rest/views/hci
          -verbose 1
          -errorbuffer strCurlError
          -sslverifypeer 0
          -httpheader [list “Authentication: basic [encode :]” “User-Agent: AppName:Interface Engine” “Accept: application/json”]
          -bodyvar ::strBody
          -headervar ::strHeader
          -cookiejar [file join $::HciSiteDir jmcookie.txt]
          } strResult

          In my case the first call logged in and setup the cookiejar. The encoding of the username and password was a GM requirement.  


          catch { curl::transfer -url https://intenggmapp01.corp.ad.sentara.com/gmx/rest/view/33
          -verbose 1
          -errorbuffer strCurlError
          -httpheader [list “User-Agent: AppName:Interface Engine” “Accept: application/json”]
          -sslverifypeer 0
          -bodyvar ::strBody
          -cookiefile [file join $::HciSiteDir jmcookie.txt]
          } strResult

          All calls after use the cookie file to pass the authenticated session info.


          catch { curl::transfer -url https://intenggmapp01.corp.ad.sentara.com/gmx/rest/session
          -verbose 1
          -errorbuffer strCurlError
          -httpheader [list “User-Agent: AppName:Interface Engine” “Accept: application/json”]
          -sslverifypeer 0
          -customrequest DELETE
          -cookiefile [file join $::HciSiteDir jmcookie.txt]
          } strResult

          This final call deletes the session and logs you out.  This part will be webservice dependent.

          Hopefully, this helps.

          John Mercogliano
          Sentara Healthcare
          Hampton Roads, VA

        • #83420
          John Mercogliano

            I really should not answer things without coffee.  I see you already have it working with tclcurl.  Sorry, I have not tried it with webservices addon, yet.

            John Mercogliano
            Sentara Healthcare
            Hampton Roads, VA

          • #83421
            Jerry Tilsley

              Thanks John for the reply.  I think for the token piece I will have to go to the tclCurl route, but time will tell.


            • #83422
              Phil Costner

                Has anyone been able to consume a  Web REST API’s that require the use of an authentication token using Cloverleaf Web Services?

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