If you go on the Clovertech website and search for SMTP, you will find a post from John Harvey titled “working with email alerts” that gives you an example of the TCL proc you are looking for. I expanded on his proc slightly by adding a “From Address” parameter… see sendEmailMessage proc below.
proc sendEmailMessage {fromaddr recipient email_server subject body} {
package require smtp
package require mime
set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]
mime::setheader $token Subject $subject
smtp::sendmessage $token -recipients $recipient -servers
-debug 1 -originator $fromaddr
mime::finalize $token
Here is the TCL proc that calls the sendEmailMessage proc. I call this from within my .bat file using the command “call tcl -c censusAlert”.
proc censusAlert {} {
sendEmailMessage “DoNotReply@abc.com” “jdoe@abc.com” “” “Quovadx Census Alert!” “Interface for Census is down!”
sendEmailMessage “DoNotReply@abc.com” “kbrown@abc.com” “” “Quovadx Census Alert!” “Interface for Census is down!”
You need to have tcllib installed in order to use the API to send email. You can find the download and instructions at
<a href="http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcllib/” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcllib/
It took me a little while to get all this installed and working but it’s a great tool now.