VMware and Cloverleaf

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  • #51383
    Don Anderson

      I would like to get some opinions and input on using VMware to load Cloverleaf

      Good and Bad.

      I have 1 white paper from the Florida Hospital

    Viewing 18 reply threads
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      • #70015

        Don, do a search on “vmware” and you’ll find a couple of real good discussions on the topic. We’re on RedHat and VMWare and we love it.

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #70016
        Terry Kellum

          We use Cloverleaf on RedHat on VMWare and are loving it.

          A few weeks ago, we upgraded the memory on our VMWare boxen and were able to bounce our Cloverleaf instance from one physical server to the other without any heartburn.

        • #70017
          David Harrison

            We have VmWare and running Cloverleaf on it sounds like a good idea. One question though. How do you ensure the host Id (for licenising)remains consistent if you reconfigure Cloverleaf to run as a different instance?

          • #70018
            Russ Ross

              Our approach to getting the license.dat file to work across nodes with different HOSTIDs (note HOSTID != hostname), is to have an entry specific to each HOSTID in the same license.dat file.

              On our AIX platform as long as the virtual LPARs/servers/hostnames are done on the same physical box the HOSTID required by the license key will be the same.

              But when we go to a differnet physical box like a HACMP fail-over configuration then the HOSTID which is tied to the physical hardware will be differnet.

              In other words, hostnames don’t play a role in the license.dat file that I can tell but the physical HOSTID of the box is what it currently uses in cloverleaf 5.6 and earlier on AIX servers.

              That means as long as all your virtual machines/hostnames run on the same physical box they can all use the same idnetical license.dat file successfully from what I’ve experienced.

              You might be askign the question, “Then what would prevent you from buying a license for one cloverleaf server and running cloverleaf on multiple virtual servers on the same physical box for the cost of a single license?”

              It seems to me nothing other than honesty would prevent it with the current design which predates the growing use of virtual machines.

              When the virtual machines reside on different physical hardware is when I’ve had to make an entry in the license.dat file for each physical server.

              Here is an example of one of our license.dat files that could be run on 2 different physical fail-over nodes in one of our HACMP clusters either mdahub8 or mdahub9:


              # license keys for mdahub8

              FEATURE cl-pkg-cl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted D5C2BD2F26AA
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=168 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-intfc-master hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted D69E4FF6D144
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=110 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-mm-master hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted D34CA05D8D7D
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=85 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-odbc-mw hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted C78BA3661BB4
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=37 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-odbc-tcl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 50C968322303
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=5 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-ssl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 0DE81936A521
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=209 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-ftps hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted B5B908FA1852
                     HOSTID=c91b1d4c ck=62 category=prod

              # license keys for mdahub9

              FEATURE cl-pkg-cl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted CC70A23CD355
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=72 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-intfc-master hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 6DF29DB1E465
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=142 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-mm-master hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted F15B1C3A150B
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=181 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-odbc-mw hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 950FABADE119
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=197 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-odbc-tcl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 7ED0189FB7FD
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=229 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-ssl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 4DC128D34BF8
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=49 category=prod

              FEATURE cl-aom-ftps hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 1471559C1079
                     HOSTID=c91b4d4c ck=222 category=prod

              However, it is still nice to be able to test if a certain license.dat file will work ahead of time.

              I was able to test my license.dat file ahead of time via a temporary NFS mount of my active cloverlef server onto the idle virtual LPAR and use hcilictest command as follows:


              hcilictest cl-intfc-master
              hcilictest cl-mm-master
              hcilictest cl-aom-odbc-mw
              hcilictest cl-aom-odbc-tcl
              hcilictest cl-aom-odbc-tcl
              hcilictest cl-aom-ssl
              hcilictest cl-aom-ftps

              Russ Ross

            • #70019
              Bob Moriarty

                Russ Ross wrote:


                That means as long as all your virtual machines/hostnames run on the same physical box they can all use the same idnetical license.dat file successfully from what I’ve experienced.

                I think the license is tied to (among other things) the MAC address of the host’s NIC. Even though VMware allows static, user-defined, virtual MAC addresses, I don’t think one could run a second virtual machine on the same subnet with the same virtual MAC address.

                I’m a virtual noob so I might be mistaken.

              • #70020
                Russ Ross

                  I have not observed that the MAC address impacts the cloverleaf license.

                  For example, we have one physical box with 2 LPARs (statically allocated virtual machines) each with its own set of 3 NICs.

                  One LPAR is our PROD server and the other is our TEST server.

                  I use the same identical license file entries for both the PROD and TEST server.

                  I don’t believe this would work if MAC address was a consideration in the license file at least this seems to be my observation for our AIX environment.

                  Russ Ross

                • #70021
                  Bob Moriarty

                    Looking more closely, it appears there’s a one to one correlation of the HOSTID (which is used to create license key) and the MAC address.



                    #>cat license.dat

                    FEATURE cl-pkg-cl hcilicmgrd 5.6 permanent uncounted 0720833E051B

                           HOSTID=0002a54fb986 ck=21 category=testdev

                    #>ifconfig -a

                    bond0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:A5:4F:B9:86  

                             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

                             inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link

                             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MASTER MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

                             RX packets:796745279 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

                             TX packets:207375339 errors:2609357 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:2609357

                             collisions:4004625 txqueuelen:0

                             RX bytes:3305088748 (3.0 GiB)  TX bytes:2337236831 (2.1 GiB)

                  • #70022
                    Chris Williams

                      The license is tied to the MAC address of the box’s primary NIC. Regardless of the number of VMs running on the box, the physical box itself only has one primary NIC.

                      Bob: hcihostid returns that MAC address.


                    • #70023
                      Russ Ross

                        Thanks Bob and Chris for educating me on the realationship with the MAC address and how it relates to the physical box.

                        This would explain why it appears to me the license key is tied to the physical box when it is in reality tied to the primary MAC address of the physical box.

                        Does that mean if our primary NIC fails and we end up running on a standby NIC and replace the primary NIC thus changing the MAC address, I can expect Cloverleaf license file to no longer work as is?

                        Russ Ross

                      • #70024
                        Chris Williams


                        • #70025
                          Bob Moriarty


                            There are virtual MAC addresses in the VMware world. The virtual MAC address is what the Cloverleaf license verification logic should see.


                            If you change the MAC address on the secondary NIC to be that of the failed primary NIC, the original Cloverleaf license should work.

                            As root:


                            # ifconfig eth0 down
                            # ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:30    (e.g.)
                            # ifconfig eth0 up


                          • #70026
                            Russ Ross

                              Since my question raises a concern of a single point of failure in our HACMP environment I got with another system admin to discuss and he tells me that under AIX the license is tied to the serial number and not the MAC address.

                              He said that might not be the case running RedHat or VMware.

                              Here are the facts he shared with me to make me once again think the license is tied not to our primary MAC address.

                              Let me provide some output from the following 3 commands on each of our 3 LPARs on one physical box:


                              uname -a

                              ifconfig -a

                              The outout of ( hcihostid ) on all 3 LPRARs (mdahub4, mdahub6, mdahub8) are the same:


                              The output of ( uname -a ) on all 3 LPARs matches the hcihostid:

                              on mdahub4 = AIX mdahub4 3 5 00C91B1D4C00

                              on mdahub6 = AIX mdahub6 2 5 00C91B1D4C00

                              on mdahub8 = AIX mdahub4 3 5 00C91B1D4C00

                              The output of ( ifconfig -a ) doesn’t match hcihostid that I can see:

                              on mdahub4 output of ( ifconfig -a )


                              en2: flags=5e080863,c0
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 65536 rfc1323 0
                              lo0: flags=e08084b
                                     inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
                                     inet6 ::1/0
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 131072 rfc1323 1

                              on mdahub6 output of ( ifconfig -a )


                              en2: flags=5e080863,c0
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 65536
                              en0: flags=5e080863,c0
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 65536
                              en1: flags=5e080863,c0
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 65536
                              lo0: flags=e08084b
                                     inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
                                     inet6 ::1/0
                                      tcp_sendspace 65536 tcp_recvspace 65536

                              on mdahub8 output of ( ifconfig -a )


                              en2: flags=5e080863,c0
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                     inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 65536 rfc1323 0
                              lo0: flags=e08084b
                                     inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
                                     inet6 ::1/0
                                      tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 131072 rfc1323 1

                              We have a highly available setup and our system admin reminds me he thinks we tested failing over from the primary NIC to a secondary near and thinks he remembers failing over for real once.

                              I remember a NIC fail-over for real once but it was to the secondary physical box with 3 more different LPARS (mdahub5, mdahub7, mdahub9) when the network team essentially deleted our entire network with a screw up, so after it failed over there was still no network to connect to.

                              Our system admin was wondering if either of you ( Bob or Chris ) are running on something other than AIX like RedHat because he thinks the output I provided doesn’t suggest the license is using the MAC address and thinks it is using the serial number of the physical box.

                              I would be curious to see a comparision of your hcihostid and serial number to see if thye match.

                              I’m starting to wonder if the license key might be serial number on AIX and primary MAC address on something like you guys are running.

                              If you can provide the output from ( hcihostid ) compared to ( uname -a ) or whatever command shows your serial number of the physical box I would appreciate seeing if they match or not.

                              Russ Ross

                            • #70027
                              Russ Ross

                                Bob wrote


                                If you change the MAC address on the secondary NIC to be that of the failed primary NIC, the original Cloverleaf license should work.

                                We do use a virtual service address IP which fails over form NIC to NIC to NIC to machine to NIC, etc.

                                I was reminded this was tested and apparently occured one time and worked as designed.

                                On our older setup the MAC address is differnet on each NIC and the NIC fail-over we think did work but we are a bit fuzzy and unsure.

                                On our newer setup we use ether channels which come to find out assigns one MAC address to all the NICs in the pool, so yet another reason I’ve come to like ether channel much better.

                                A long time ago I had also posted if anyone knew if ether channel would work for SNA and the anser is – yes we have it working just fine.

                                Russ Ross

                              • #70028
                                Bob Moriarty


                                  I don’t think there’s a host serial number in the Intel world.


                                  uname -a
                                  Linux clovertestl.mayo.edu 2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 08:07:15 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

                                  I’d be curious what


                                  lscfg -vl ent0

                                  shows on your AIX host.

                                • #70029
                                  Russ Ross


                                    Here are the NIC fail-over related commands I do for the old setup


                                    # down & detach en2 which has the persitant IP and gateway on it
                                    # then add gateway which will seek out and attach itself to the service address NIC
                                    # this is so that all inbound and outbound trafic will failover transparently

                                    ifconfig en2 down detach; route add 0

                                    # then enable the NIC with the persistant IP
                                    # (note: If you move this above the SNA stuff above,
                                    #        then SNA will use en2 persistant NIC
                                    #        which is outside of HACMP.  This might be desirable
                                    #        if network traffic on the service address NIC (en0 or en1)
                                    #        becomes a bottle neck)

                                    ifconfig en2 inet up
                                    chdev -l ‘en2′ -a state=’up’ -a broadcast=’′

                                    Here are the NIC fail-over related commands I do for the new ether channel setup


                                    # remove the persitent address ether channel alias from en2 to assure all outbound traffic
                                    # will use the service address ether channel alias on en2 as the default address
                                    # Note:
                                    # – this is so that all inbound and outbound trafic will failover transparently
                                    # – the hostname is the name of the persistent address
                                    #   because it is no longer necessary to set the hostname to the name of the service address

                                    ifconfig en2 $HACMP_ORIG_HOSTNAME -alias

                                    # add back the ehter channel alias for the persistent address on en2
                                    # now that the ether channel alias for the service address is the default address for all outbound traffic

                                    ifconfig en2 $HACMP_ORIG_HOSTNAME netmask alias

                                    As you can see I did not take specify anything about the MAC address which from what I’ve been told today is done majically for me with the new ethernet setup we are using and jsut about completely upgraded to.

                                    Russ Ross

                                  • #70030
                                    Bob Moriarty


                                      Thanks for all the info.

                                      AIx’s HACMP design is different than VMware’s HA.

                                      I’m still curious about how the hcihostid is derived on AIX.


                                    • #70031
                                      Todd Lundstedt

                                        On AIX 5.3 running Cloverleaf 5.5..

                                        hcihostid returns…


                                        uname -m returns…


                                        lscfg -vl ent0 returns…

                                      • #70032
                                        Russ Ross

                                          Bob, here is my ouput from running

                                          lscfg -vl ent0

                                          on the following 3 LPARs



                                           ent0             U7879.001.DQD07MV-P1-C5-T1  10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14106902)

                                               10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter:
                                                 Part Number……………..00P6130
                                                 FRU Number………………00P6130
                                                 EC Level………………..H12818
                                                 Manufacture ID…………..YL1021
                                                 Network Address………….000255D3DDFD
                                                 ROM Level.(alterable)…….GOL021
                                                 Hardware Location Code……U7879.001.DQD07MV-P1-C5-T1

                                          on mdahub6


                                           ent0             U7879.001.DQD07MV-P1-T6  2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)

                                               2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter:
                                                 Network Address………….00096BDD4490
                                                 ROM Level.(alterable)…….DV0210
                                                 Device Specific.(YL)……..U7879.001.DQD07MV-P1-T6

                                          on mdahub8


                                           ent0             U7879.001.DQD0DD9-P1-T6  2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14108902)

                                               2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter:
                                                 Network Address………….00096BDD2D72
                                                 ROM Level.(alterable)…….DV0210
                                                 Hardware Location Code……U7879.001.DQD0DD9-P1-T6

                                          Russ Ross

                                        • #70033
                                          Russ Ross

                                            Todd, we have our most current LPARs running at Cloverleaf 5.6 and AIX 5.3 and it seems to still be tied to the serial number of the physical box and not MAC address.

                                            Russ Ross

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