Vi (Vim), If You’re Not Using Vim, You Should Be!

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  • Author
    • #79517
      Jeff Dinsmore

        OK, I’ll bite.

        vi is crap and should be banished from the face of the earth…

        Long Live Komodo!


        Jeff Dinsmore
        Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

      • #79518
        Jim Kosloskey

          I believe any editor that meets your needs is the editor to use. I think this is just a religious issue and I don’t care.

          I use UltraEdit and PsPad for Tcl procs and vi for our AIX stuff because it is what we have.

          I use vi very little because I use the IDE for engine objects (other than Tcl). I would use UltraEdit more for the things I use vi but since they have made FTP a nightmare to use here and I do so little vi editting anyway it is not worth the pain.

          If I just want to look at something I use less (one of the few time I really can do more with less).

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #79519
          Jeff Dinsmore

            And, for the record, I agree with Jim.  Whatever editor is right for you is right for you…

            Just trying to have a little fun and help Max get his war started.

            Jeff Dinsmore
            Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

          • #79520
            Terry Kellum

              I use UltraEdit with Samba for most things.

              If I have to do a quick TCL hack it works well.

              I also find it useful to “Regression Test” translates and TPS code by running a bunch of reformatted trans from the SMAT files into both new and old code.  I then use the “UltraEdit” “UltraCompare” function on the output files to insure that the differences are explained by the changes, and that the changes are doing with I intended.  Has saved me on a couple occasions.  You have to be quite careful with the line ending treatments using UltraEdit.

              If I’m going to do any complicated TCL coding, I use Komodo.  Even writing in a structured manner (creating all closures first then inserting the code) it is easy to misplace a curly.  Komodo highlights the matching brackets.

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