using Xlate output in ITERATE

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf using Xlate output in ITERATE

  • Creator
  • #49738
    Dennis Pfeifer

      CL 5.5 Rev 1, Linux E4

      Has anyone successfully used an output of the xlate as the basis of an ITERATE?


      type: group

      basis: ~3(0).0

      Little background…

      we modify some IN1 segments, map plans etc…

      some IN1 segments are kept, some are removed…

      after that .. we have a concept of a ‘trailing plan’..

      the output plans are evaluated, and some additional plans may be generated and added to the end of the existing IN1 segments ..

      suffice to say .. I must use the Xlate ouput as the basis for an iterate of the output plans to determine the trailing plans. (whew!)…

      We’ve discovered that the iterate only goes through the loop once, regardless of the number of output IN1 segments ..

      If I use a list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … I’m able to loop over the group and add the trailing plans, but using a type of group and a basis of ~3(0).0 it only goes through the iterate one time.

      I’ve used the testing tool, and verified that the basis is correct, and as confirmation the path works in the copy statements inside the loop when using a list…

      Thoughts anyone?…


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    • Author
      • #63352
        Jim Kosloskey


          I have never gotten that to work and my understanding is the Xlate is functioning as designed (no iteration over outbound construct).

          That said when I needed do do something which I think is similar in nature, I have two sets of iterations one to build the outboun and then a second set going through the same logic but now only building the ‘add ons’.

          Maybe this can work for you as well.

          If you would like to discuss this directly, email me.


          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #63353
          Dennis Pfeifer

            Thanks Jim .. yes a second iteration using the input would be possible, just not as clean ..

            It’s interesting that the GUI allows you to select a basis from the output.


          • #63354
            Robert Kersemakers

              Hi Dennis,

              Maybe I have another solution.

              When going through the (first) iteration, collect all data needed to build the extra IN1 segments in a list. Every element of this list contains all the fields that are needed to build the IN1 segment.

              Then after the iteration, iterate over the list and build the extra IN1 segments.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #63355
              Bob Richardson


                We had a similar situation where various insurance records (IN1/IN2 sets) needed to be dropped in a message.  And, yes, once the rules were appied, access to the new outbound image in an Xlate was unavailable.  I confirmed this with Quovadx tech support at the time (about two months ago).

                So… the only solution that we came up with was a Route Detail Post Proc (TCL) which then processed the new message insurance sets:  we needed to reorder them based on COB indicator and also update the IN sequence number; also perform additional relational tests on the new sets – even at this point we could drop more insurance segments.

                It would be pretty cool to have access to the outbound record during the Xlate phase but I think Quovadx has bigger fish to fry.

                Hope this helps in identifying alternatives for you.


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