Using split command for Large txt file

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Using split command for Large txt file

  • Creator
  • #110140
    William McDavid

      So I’m trying to split a file that has over 20k HL7 messages but it’s just creating a file that is the same size. The command I’m using is split -5000 filename. I’m told this should create files with 5k messages in each file. So I should have approximately 4 files but I’m only getting the one that is the size as the original file.

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    • Author
      • #110142
        Robert Kersemakers

          What OS are you on?

          On RHEL you need to use parameter -l if you deviate from the default 1000 lines. So

          split -l5000 <filename>

          should give you the result you need. Use

          man split

          for the manual.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #110144
            William McDavid

              Unix AIX 6.1

              This gave me the same result file splitting to a new file of the same size.

          • #110158
            David Barr

              Try putting a space in the command: split -l 5000. If that doesn’t work, then it’s probably a limitation of the AIX version of this command. I’ve run into issues with AIX and HPUX utilities not dealing well with files that contain really long lines. You may have to write a script to split the file apart.

            • #110284
              Robert Kersemakers

                Just a thought: maybe the command doesn’t split on lines because it can find only one.

                If the file contains CL lenght-encoded HL7 messages with only <CR> separating the segments and no <LF> or <CR><LF> to indicate the end of a line, then the command is working as it should.

                Have a look at the file with hcihexdump or notepad++ to see if this is the case. Or try to split a normal text-file and see if that works.


                Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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