Using Multi-Server

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  • Creator
  • #54255
    John Lichtenberger

      Getting error of “Unable to deliver to specified server connection (418)” when using multi-server.  Using Cloverleaf (build info) 6.0.1.P

      Our HIS does a query out to cloverleaf which is sent to McKesson Passport and the response from Passport is sent thu cloverleaf back to our HIS.  There is no other message reply as the response from Passport is the reply.

      I hope it is something simple I am missing for the response to send back to our HIS but not sure.

      connection with our HIS:


      PDL: mlp_tcp.pdl

      Type: Multi-Server

           Maximum Clients: 10

           Maximum Outbound Queue Depth: 0

           Maxismum Pre-translate Queue Depth: 0

           Save client IP and port to driver control is checked

      Route Messages

            Using XLT to passport

      The Passport thread is set up like the typical TCP/IP thread without the cloverleaf creating a reply message.

      Any thoughts on how to correct the error?

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    • Author
      • #80738
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi John,

          Is it necessary to have ‘Multi-server’ activated for this? Normally your HIS will only build one connection to CL, wait for reply, break down connection and set up a new one. So multi-server would not be necessary.

          Can this have something to do with time-out? Your HIS could time-out faster then the time-out set in Cloverleaf. So the HIS will break down the connection, after which CL will get a reply from passport and not know what to do with it.

          So have a look at the time-out settings and whether the multi-server setting is really necessary. Could be though, if your HIS makes multiple connections at once.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #80739
          James Cobane

            When using the multi-server, is your reply proc set up to reply back on the original client connection? i.e. there should be a couple lines in the proc that get the DRIVERCTL info of the orginal message and then set the DRIVERCTL info of the ACK message back –

             set ackmsgDriverCtl [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]

             msgmetaset $ackmh DRIVERCTL $ackmsgDriverCtl

            You need to be able to ack back on the original connecting client port.  If this is configured correctly, then the other potential issue is that the client is closing the port before the engine is able to ack back on it.

            Hope this helps.

            Jim Cobane

            Henry Ford Health

          • #80740
            John Lichtenberger

              Multi-server is required.  The HIS (Meditech) can open multiple connections at once to send out the query message.  

              The HIS does not get an ACK back from the interface engine when the query message is received as the ACK needs to contain the results of the query so the reply message from Passport is the ACK and Message in one.

              Sample reply message from Passport going to Meditech



              QAK|141561638117303|OK|Z22^find candidates^HL7nnnn|10|10|0

              QPD|Z22^find candidates^HL7nnnn|141561638117303|40












              If I have it set up as server and not multi-server it will work but if another registration happens on Meditech, the user gets a message back (on Meditech) that the server is busy when it tries to query Passport.

              My thought was to try to set the DRIVERCTL values in the MSH.10 on the message out to passport.  When Passport responds I can use the information in the MSH10 to route the message to the proper connection on the multi-server thread.  Have not tested yet but that is the way I will continue unless I hear of a different way.

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