I am trying to write a statement that specifies if the letter “E” is not
Presently I have this
IF 0(0).PID(0).#18(0).[0] ! ct E
When testing, I get this error:
[0:TEST] IF expression parse failed: Expected a relational operator
Error occurred at: ‘! ct =E’
[0:TEST] Unable to compile XLT ‘ESCRIPT_ORU_to_ECIN_ORU.xlt’.
A little background: The sending system is planning on appending an “E” to certain account numbers that will identify these numbers to me as accounts that should not pass the interface engine.
Here’s an example HL7 message (showing just the MSH and PID) with an “E” appended in the PID-18
Can anyone help me out as to the proper way to do this within an Xlate?
Tom Arrowsmith