Using cloverleaf to send to HTTP or LLP/MLLP endpoints

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Using cloverleaf to send to HTTP or LLP/MLLP endpoints

  • Creator
  • #54942
    Andres Alvarez

      We have never used cloverleaf to send to HTTP or LLP/MLLP endpoints using a public certificates and keypair authentification. Does anyone have any guidance on if cloverleafs capability to do this? Our other option is doing it directly through cerners open engine, but we generally like to do everything through cloverleaf. Any guidance is greatly appreciated!

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    • Author
      • #83521
        Sean Farley

          I can’t confirm or deny if Cloverleaf supports sending to HTTP destinations. But figured it might be worth sharing what we did in a similar situation.

          We have an interface in which the final destination is an HTTP post also.  The sending interface is also a Cerner OpenEngine interface.  We pass the message from OpenEngine to Cloverleaf, and then to a custom Windows service on one of our Windows Servers. We then let the custom Windows service do the HTTP post via some scripting.  I can provide you with more details if you like, but it sounds like it might be easier to do it from OpenEngine than using the method we used.

        • #83522
          Jim Kosloskey

            Cloverleaf ca act as a http client out of the box.

            Depending on what release of Cloverleaf there is good or not so good help in the documentation.

            I did an http client protocol connection years ago using very litttle Tcl (a litlle TclCurl). I don’t thinnk that is as necesary in thee later releases.

            However, the certificate piece of your questtion implies SSL and thus you will need to acqquire a llicense for the Secure Socket Add on (I am not sure what it is amed or what it costs today).

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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