Our Cloverleaf implementation is currently used exclusively for patient-related data. From my understanding, the proposed integration would poll the help desk server’s REST or SOAP interface for new data. When found, the new data is returned to the integration engine, which transforms it and then sends the data on to project management’s REST or SOAP interface. My expectation is that we would typically see at most 100 messages per day sent through the interface engine. Keep in mind that I don’t have any specs or documentation yet…just a hallway conversation.
My impression is that the concerns around using our Cloverleaf implementation for this integration are…
1. this integration might take up valuable patient-care resources
2. this integration might add unstability to engine
3. this integration might add security risks to the engine
My answers would be…
1. at 100 transformations per day, resource use would be negligible
2. this interface would at least be running in its own process, if not its own site, so it seems it would be very unlikely that it would add more risk of unstability to the engine than any other interface.
3. because the engine is pulling and pushing data, it is unlikely that this interface would open an attack vector on the engine.
That is all the background I have right now. Assuming these three concerns are answered sufficiently, is there any reason why I shouldn’t build this integration on our currently patient-centric Cloverleaf implementation? Do any Cloverleaf shops have a policy that would restrict their Cloverleaf implementation from running integrations like this on it?