Using Cloverleaf for non-patient integrations

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  • #54637
    Mike Strout

      We have been presented with a project to SOAP/REST integration between our help desk system and our project management system. It seems that the Cloverleaf Web Services Adapter will do what we need to, but some in our organization are suggesting we shouldn’t use our patient-centric engine for non-patient integrations like these and are suggesting we do them in Mirth or other engine.

      I would be interested in hearing what other organizations think about leveraging Cloverleaf for such interfaces.

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    • Author
      • #82342
        Jim Kosloskey

          What reason do they give for wanting to use a different engine?

          Not knowing exactly what the requirements are it is difficult to comment but I cannot believe Cloverleaf cannot do what is needed.

          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

        • #82343
          Mike Strout

            Our Cloverleaf implementation is currently used exclusively for patient-related data. From my understanding, the proposed integration would poll the help desk server’s REST or SOAP interface for new data. When found, the new data is returned to the integration engine, which transforms it and then sends the data on to project management’s REST or SOAP interface. My expectation is that we would typically see at most 100 messages per day sent through the interface engine. Keep in mind that I don’t have any specs or documentation yet…just a hallway conversation.

            My impression is that the concerns around using our Cloverleaf implementation for this integration are…

            1. this integration might take up valuable patient-care resources

            2. this integration might add unstability to engine

            3. this integration might add security risks to the engine

            My answers would be…

            1. at 100 transformations per day, resource use would be negligible

            2. this interface would at least be running in its own process, if not its own site, so it seems it would be very unlikely that it would add more risk of unstability to the engine than any other interface.

            3. because the engine is pulling and pushing data, it is unlikely that this interface would open an attack vector on the engine.

            That is all the background I have right now. Assuming these three concerns are answered sufficiently, is there any reason why I shouldn’t build this integration on our currently patient-centric Cloverleaf implementation? Do any Cloverleaf shops have a policy that would restrict their Cloverleaf implementation from running integrations like this on it?


          • #82344
            Rob Abbott

              My $0.02 Mike — there is no reason you shouldn’t use Cloverleaf for this.  We’ve got customers around the globe using Cloverleaf for non-patient-centric integration.

              The web services adapter is a perfect choice as it’ll do SOAP and REST.  These interfaces can also use WS-Security if the remote endpoint supports that.

              Rob Abbott
              Cloverleaf Emeritus

            • #82345
              Mike Strout

                Thanks for your input Rob. I will be interested to hear what some people in the field are saying. From my experience, just because something can done that doesn’t mean it should be done or that corporate bureaucracies don’t develop irrational fears.

              • #82346
                Richard Hart

                  Hi Mike.

                  We’ve been using web services in Cloverleaf since 2008.

                  In our case many of the interfaces could have been created by extending HL7 and been a lot simpler, but the architects insisted on web services.

                  Some of the outbound methods we use could not be completed in the previous Cloverleaf IHB and we have used the TclCurl code for these.

                  My colleague has been working with the new Cloverleaf CAA WS and this will replace a lot of the complex custom code we created.

                  We have had no performamce issues receiving upto (peak) 5 document (256k PDF) message per second.

                • #82347
                  Richard Hart

                    Hi Mike.

                    We also use Cloverleaf for non patient related interfaces, including one keeping the timesheet program up-to-date with new incident cases.

                    Our set up is publish and subscribe, where each Cloverleaf site is dedicated to an application (PAS, LIS, RIS …) and the Cloverleaf (internal to the server) threads complete the subscribe.

                  • #82348
                    Rob Lindsey

                      In our CL system (AIX 6.1 CL 5.8.5), we use it to transfer many non-patient items.  In my opinion, CL is a middleware solution to move data from one system to another and transform it if desired.  

                      My question is why not use it and why complicate things with having to know which system does the non-patient related stuff.  It makes it a bit of a support nightmare if they decide to use different systems to do different things.


                    • #82349
                      Peter Heggie

                        We use Cloverleaf for many non-patient-centric workflows. It makes sense from a skill-set perspective, support & maintenance and general IT staffing to reduce the number of integration engines in a shop.

                        Cloverleaf can perform a wide variety of integration scenarios, whether delivered in a ‘configurable’ product or if coded in a Java UPOC.

                        Peter Heggie

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