Cloverleaf 2209.
I used the User Type ITERATE with a well formed list. The second element of the list contains an imbedded space to wit:
12345|HospitalEMR|EMR {6789|different ID|ID}
Note the second element has an imbedded space but is properly encapsulated in curly braces.
When processing the ITERATE Variable (in this case %u1) has the correct value for the first element but only has up to the space of the second element (so includes 6789|different – not 6789|different ID|ID) and thus there is a bogus third element of ID|ID.
I cannot report this as a bug to INFOR but I think it is. It would be useful if the User Type ITERATE handled proper lists properly.
If anyone can indicate this is not a bug and have any hints as to what I may have missed, please let me know.
email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.